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Narrative Theory and Personal Identity |
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Benzon, William L. 1993. "The Evolution of Narrative and the Self," Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems , 16(2): 129-155.
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Dennett, Daniel. 1988. "Why everyone is a novelist," Times Literary Supplement, 4459 (Sept.16-22, 1988): 1016, 1028-29; Note: Dennett himself sometimes cites this as "Why we are all novelists," which is not the published title. This also appears as "The Self as the Center of Narrative Gravity," in F. Kessel, P. Cole, and D. Johnson, eds., Self and Consciousness: Multiple Perspectives . Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1992. Danish translation, "Selvet som fortællingens tyngdepunkt," Philosophia, 15, 275-88, 1986.
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Fireman, Gary D., Ted E. McVay and Owen J. Flanagan 2003. Narrative and Consciousness: Literature, Psychology, and the Brain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fivush, Robyn. 1994. "Constructing narrative, emotion, and self in parent-child conversations about the past," In U. Neisser & R. Fivush (Eds.), The remembering self: Construction and accuracy in the self-narrative New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 136-157.
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Gergen, Kenneth. 1994. "Mind, text, and society: Self-memory in social context," In U. Neisser & R. Fivush (Eds.), The remembering self: Construction and accuracy in the self-narrative New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 78-104.
Gergen, Kenneth J. 1991. The saturated self: dilemmas of identity in contemporary life. New York: Basic Books.
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Giddens, Anthony. 1991. Modernity and self-identity : self and society in the late modern age. Cambridge: Polity Press.
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Gregg, Gary S. 1991. Self-representation: life narrative studies in identity and ideology. New York: Greenwood Press.
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Hermans, H. J. M., Kempen, H. J. G. and van Loon, R. J. P. 1992. The dialogical self: Beyond individualism and rationalism. American Psychologist 47: 23-33.
Hinchman, Lewis P. and Sandras K. Hinchman (Eds). 1997. Memory, Identity, Community : The Idea of Narrative in the Human Sciences . Albany: State Univ of New York Press.
Honess, Terry and Krysia Yardley. 1987. Self and identity: perspectives across the lifespan. London & New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Jacques, Francis. 1991. Difference and subjectivity : dialogue and personal identity, translated by Andrew Rothwell. New Haven: Yale University Press. Translation of: Difference et subjectivite. Includes bibliographical references (p. 355-365) and index.
Josselson, R. 1994. "Identity and relatedness in the lifecycle." In H. A. Bosma, T. L. G. Graafsma, H. D. Grotevant, and D. J. De Levita (Eds.), Identity and development: An interdisciplinary approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
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Luntley, Michael. 1995. Reason, Truth and the Self: Getting to Know The Truth About Postmodernism . New York: Routledge.
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McDonald, Christie, Wihl, Gary, and Skilleas, Ole Martin. 1996. "Transformations in Personhood and Culture After Theory: The Languages of History, Aesthetics, and Ethics," The British journal of aesthetics 36 # 1: 83-
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Miller, Peggy J.; Mintz, Judith; Hoogstra, Lisa; Fung, Heidi & Potts, Randolph. 1992. The narrated self: Young children's construction of self in relation to others in conversational stories of personal experience. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 38: 45-67.
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Neisser, U. and R. Fivush (eds). 1994. The Remembering Self: Construction and Accuracy in the Self Narrative . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
O'Connell, Sean P. 2000. Outspeak: Narrative identities that matter. Albany: SUNY Press.
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Parati, Graziella. 1996. Public History, Private Stories: Italian Women's Autobiography . Minneapolis: U. of Minnesota Press.
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Polkinghorne, D. 1988. Narrative knowing and the human sciences . Albany: SUNY Press.
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Rabin, A. I., R. A. Zuker, R. A. Emmons, and S. Frank (eds). 1990. Studying persons and their lives (pp. 148-200). New York: Springer.
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