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Personalism |
Return to Index For related texts and bibliographies go to Research Sources. More information on PERSONALISM. |
Auxier, Randall E. 1997. The Relevance of Bowne Personalist Forum 13 (1): 1-2.
Arnold, Magda B. 1954. The Human Person. New York: Ronald Press.
Badham , Roger A. 1996. Conti's Reclamation of Farrer's Cosmological Personalism: A Pragmatist's Response. Personalist Forum12 (1): 18-34.
Baisnee, J. A. 1945. Two Catholic critiques of personalism. The Modern Schoolman, 22: 59-75.
Balasubramanian, R. 1970. The Personalist Existentialism of Berdyaev . Madras: University of Madras.
Baseheart, Mary Catharine. 1992. Edith Stein's Philosophy of Community. Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement): 163-73.
Baseheart, Mary Catharine. 1987. "Edith Stein's Philosophy of Person." Carmelite Studies IV: 34-39.
Bayer, Richard C. 1999. Capitalism and Christianity: The Possibility of Christian Personalism. Washington DC: Georgetown University Press.
"Christian Personalism and Democratic Capitalism," in Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society 21/2: 313-31.
Beauchamp, Richard A. 1997. Ethics and Metaethics in Bowne's Philosophy. Personalist Forum 13 (1): 77-88.
Berdyaev BibliographyBerdyaev Homepage, maintained by Dirk H. Kelder.
Berdyaev N. A. 1931. The Destiny of Man . Trans. by N. Duddington; London: G. Bles, 1937; New York: Scribner's, 1937.
Berdyaev N. A. 1934. The Fate of Man in the Modern World . Trans. by Donald A. Lowrie; [2nd ed.] London: S.C.M. Press, 1938; Milwaukee: C. Morehouse, 1935.
Berdyaev N. A. 1934. Solitude and Society . Trans. by George Reavey; London: G. Bles. 1938.; "Ya i Mir Ob'ektov. Opyt filosofii odinochestva i obscheniya" (lit.) "I and the World of Objects: Philosophic Experience of Solitude and Society".
Berdyaev N. A. 1935. "Marxism and the conception of personality," Christendom , 1935, No. 2. (original: "Personalizm i Marksizm" in journal Put', 1935, No. 48, p. 3-19). Translated as Personalism and Marxism, by S. Janos.
Berdyaev N. A. 1937. Spirit and Reality Trans. by George Reavey, London: G. Bles, 1946.
Berdyaev N. A. 1938. Christianity and Anti-Semitism . Trans. by Alan A. Spears and Victor B. Kantner, Aldington, Kent: 1952.
Berdyaev N. A. 1939. Slavery and Freedom . Trans. by R. M. French, London: G. Bles, 1939, 268 p.; New York: Scribner's, 1939. "O rabstve i svobode cheloveka" (lit.) "Concerning the Slavery and Freedom of Man" (Janos notes: "1939 publication date may be errata in Klepinine Bibliographie ... G. Bles copy shows 1943 first-publishing date.")
Berdyaev N. A. 1945. "The person and the communal spirit in the conscience of the Russian people," Transformation , No. 4, (1947): 7- 23. (Janos notes: The Russian original is unpublished; first published in French -- Cahiers de la nouvelle epoque 1945, No. 1).
Berdyaev N. A. 1947. The Divine and the Human . Trans. by R. M. French, London: G. Bles, 1949, (Janos notes: published first in French in 1947, in Russian, 1952. "Ekzistentsial'naya dialektika bozhestvennogo i chelovecheskogo" (lit.) "Existential Dialectics of the Divine and the Human").
Bertocci, Peter. A. 1978. The essence of a person. Monist 61:28-41.
Bertocci, Peter Anthony. 1988. The Person and Primary Emotions. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Bowne, Borden Parker. 1908. Personalism . Boston: Houghton Mifflin (Norwood, MA: The Plimpton Press, 1936. (The N. W. Harris Lectures at Northwestern University, 1907).
Bradford, Judith. 1997. Amelioration and Expansion: Border Parker Bowne on Moral Theory and Moral Change. Personalist Forum 13 (1): 31-48.
Brightman Bibliography.. 1998. A short bibliography of primary works by Edgar Sheffield Brightman (1884-1953), an American personalist.
Bryant, Sophie Willock. 1901. "Review of An Essay on Personality as a Philosophic Principle by Rev. Wilfrid Richmond, M.A." Mind 10: 265-267.
Buford, Thomas O. 1996. Preface: Special Issue on Metaphysical Personalism. Personalist Forum12 (1): iv.
Buford, Thomas. 1989. Person, Identity, and Imagination. Personalist Forum 5 (1): 7-26.
Buford, Thomas. 1985. What We are About. Personalist Forum 1 (1): 1-4.
Burrow, Rufus. 1997. Borden Parker Bowne and the Dignity of Being. Personalist Forum 13 (1): 13-30.
Burrow, Rufus, Jr. 1992. Two Key Elements in Francis J. McConnell's Social Ethics. Personalist Forum 8 (2): 73-87.
Burrow, Rufus, Jr. 1990. Moral Laws in Borden P. Bowne's Principles of Ethics. Personalist Forum 6 (2): 161-180.
Burrow, Rufus, Jr. and Neville, Robert. 1989. The Boston Personalist Tradition. Personalist Forum 5 (2): 137-.
Buttiglione, Rocco. 1982. Il Pensiero di Karol Wojtya (Milano: Jaca Book), A Philosophy of Freedom: the Thought of Karol Wojtya , Introduction by Michael Novak, Trans. and Afterword by Paolo Guietti and Francesca Murphy (In press. Prepublication photocopies in the International Academy of Philosophy in the Principality Liechtenstein Library)
Clark, Mary T. 1983. 'Human Persons and the Foundation of Justice and Rights', Cogito 1: 117-126.
Clark, Mary Twibill. 1970. Augustinian Personalism. Series: Saint Augustine Lecture, Saint Augustine and the Augustinian Tradition. Villanova, PA: Villanova University Press.
Calkins, Mary Whiton. 1912. "Henri Bergson: Personalist." Philosophical Review 21: 666-75.
Calkins, Mary Whiton. 1919. "Personalistic Conception of Nature." Philosophical Review 28: 115-46.
Calkins, Mary Whiton. 1924. "A Personal Idealist's Concern for Psychology." The Personalist 5: 7-11.
Calkins, Mary Whiton. 1930. "The Philosophical Credo of an Absolutistic Personalist." in Contemporary American Philosophy. George P. Adams and William Pepperell Montague, eds. Vol. 1. New York: Russell & Russell:197-218.
Cantin, Eileen. 1973. Mounier: a Personalist View of History . Paulist Press.
Centore, F. F. 1979. Persons: A comparative account of the six possible theories. Westport, CN: Greenwood Press.
Colletti. 1997. Mounier, Emmanuel. A website, in Italian, dedicated to E. Mounier, una filosofia per l'Uomo del terzo millennio. http://alpha.science.unitn.it/~colletti/Mounier.html. No longer in existence at this website.
Conford, Philip. 1997. The Personal World : John MacMurray on Self and Society. Floris Books.
Conti, Charles. 1996. The Author Responds. Personalist Forum12 (1): 81-121.
Conti, Charles. 1995. Metaphysical Personalism : An Analyis of Austin Farrer's Metaphysics of Theism. (Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Conti, Charles. 1991. Personalist Ontology: Mirror or Metaphor? Personalist Forum 7 (2): 41-60 .
Conti, Charles. 1988. The Personalism of Austin Farrer. Personalist Forum 5 (2): 83-118.
Cook, J. Thomas. 1992. Do Persons Follow from Spinoza's God? Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement): 243-48.
Costello, John E. 2002. John MacMurray: A Biography. Edinburgh: Floris Books.
Creamer. David G. 1996. Guides for the Journey : John MacMurray, Bernard Lonergan, James Fowler. University Press of America.
Cronan, Edward P. 1955. The Dignity of the Human Person. New York: Philosophical Library.
Crosby, John F. 1996. The Selfhood of the Human Person. Washington, DC: Catholic Univ of Amer Press.
Danese, Attilio (Works in Italian).
Di Nicola, Giulia Paola. 1986. "Uomo e Donna nel Personalismo di Mounier." La Questione Personalista, Città. Roma: Nuova: 150-167.
Di Nicola, Giulia Paola. 1989. "Pur un'Ithique Sociale," in Ethique et Personnalisme. Louvain la Neuve: Universiti Catholique de Louvain: 1989; 68-114.
Di Nicola, Giulia Paola. 1986 "Uomo e Donna nel Personalismo di Mounier." La Questione Personalista, Città. Roma: Nuova: 150-167.
Di Nicola, Giulia Paola. 1996. "Personnalisme et Feminisme pour le Nouvelle Europe." Le Fideralisme Personnaliste aux Sources de l9 Europe de Demain. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
Dotterer, Donald,W. 1990. James and Bowne on the Philosophy of Religious Experience. Personalist Forum 6 (2): 123-60.
Doubt, Keith. 1994. The Person and the Limit of Empiricism. Personalist Forum 10 (1): 1-13.
DuBois, James. 1996. The Nature and Tasks of a Personalist Psychology. Latham MD: University Press of America.
Duncan, A. R. C. 1991. On the Nature of Persons (John MacMurray Studies, Vol. 1). Peter Lang Publishing.
Ellis, Ralph D. 1997. Purposeful Processes, Personalism, and the and the Contemporary Natural and Cognitive Sciences. Personalist Forum 13 (1): 49-67.
Farrer, Austin and Falk, W.D. Humanism. Personalist Forum 5 (2): 69-82.
Felice, Flavio. 2001. The Ethical Foundation of the Market Economy:
A Reflection on Economic Personalism in the Thought of Luigi Sturzo. Markets and Morality 4 (2).
Ferre, Frederick. 1986. Personalism and the Dignity of Nature. Personalist Forum 2 (1): 1-28.
Ferre, Frederick. 1998. Knowing and Value. Albany: SUNY Press.
Fisher, Robert, (ed). 1995. Becoming Persons. Oxford: Applied Theology Press.
Flewelling, Ralph Tyler. 1915. Personalism and the Problems of Philosophy: An Appreciation of the Work of Borden Parker Bowne . New York: Methodist Book Concern.
Flewelling, Ralph Tyler. 1915. "Personalism," Hasting's Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics 9: 771-3.
Flewelling, Ralph Tyler. 1920. Bergson and Personal Realism . New York: Abington Press.
Flewelling, Ralph Tyler. 1926. Creative Personality: A Study in Philosophical Reconciliation . New York: Macmillan.
Flewelling, Ralph Tyler. 1946. The Things that Matter Most: An Approach to the Problems of Human Values . New York: Ronald Press.
Flewelling, Ralph Tyler. 1953. The Person, or the Significance of Man . Los Angeles: Ward Ritchie Press.
Frankl, Viktor. In Press. Human Nature and Meaning/Menschenbild und
Sinn, ed. and trans. James DuBois. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag. C
Winter Reihe: Akademie-Reden. (This small monograph is comprised of a speech
delivered by Viktor Frankl to the International Academy of Philosophy in
Liechtenstein, together with essays by John Crosby and Josef Seifert).
Frankl, Viktor E. 1996. Sinn als anthropologische Kategorie/Meaning as an Anthropological Category. Deutsch/English. Edited with introduction by James M. DuBois, (Heidelberg:Universitätsverlag. C . Winter Reihe: Akademie-Reden.)
Fuller, Gary. 1992. Functionalism and Personal Identity. Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement): 133-43 .
Gacka, Bogumil. 1994. Bibliography of American Personalism . Lublin:
Oficyna Wydawnicza ,,Czas"
Gadamer, Hans-Georg. 1996.
The Enigma of Health: The Art of Healing in a Scientific Age . Translated by Jason Gaiger and Nicholas Walker. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Grabill, Stephen J. 2001. Special issue of Markets and Morality on Economic Personalism. Editorial introduction: Economic Personalism. Markets and Morality 4 (2).
Greenburg, Robert M. 1984. The Epistemological Consequences of Jacques
Maritain's Metaphysical Personalism. (Dissertation) New York: St. John's
Gregg, Samuel (ed). 2001. Proceedings of the
Interdisciplinary Congress for the Development of Economic Personalism
(August 9-12, 2001). In Markets and Morality 4 (2). Contains the following papers:
Guissard, Lucien. 1962. Mounier . Paris.
Haddox, John. 1992. Latin American Personalist: Antonio Caso. Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement): 109-18.
Harrison, S. M. 1993 "The John Macmurray Centenary," Chapman: Scotland's Quality Literary Magazine, No. 73 (Summer 1993) 69-71.
Hart, Richard, E. 1990. On Personalism and Education. Personalist Forum 6 (1): 51-74.
Howie,. 1991. Bibliography of Peter Anthony Bertocci. Personalist Forum 7 (1): 91-.
Howie,. 1991. Can Personalism Provide a Theoretical Basis for an Environmental Ethics. Personalist Forum 7 (2): 35-40.
Jeffko, Walter G. 1999. Ethical Issues : A Personalistic Perspective. Humanity Books
Knott, Garland. 1992. Personhood: F.R. Tennant and Peter Berocci in the Light of Contemporary Physics. Personalist Forum 8 (2): 101-114 & (Supplement): 215-17.
Kohak, Erazim. 1997. Personalism: Towards a Philosophical Delineation. Personalist Forum 13 (1): 3-11.
Kohak, Erazim. 1991. Speaking of Persons: Mirror or Metaphor? Personalist Forum 7 (2): 61-.
Kohak, Erazim. 1988. Personalism: The Next Hundred Years. Personalist Forum 4 (2): 43-.
Kohak, Erazim. 1986. Reply. Personalist Forum 2 (1): 56-75.
Kohak, Erazim. 1985. Creation's Orphan: Towards a Metaphysics of Artifacts. Personalist Forum 13 (1): 22-75.
Koestenbaum, P. 1978. The New Image of the Person. Westport, CN: Greenwood Press.
Kunz, George. 1998. The Paradox of Power and Weakness: Levinas and an Alternative Paradigm for Psychology . Albany: SUNY Press.
Lachs, John. 1985. Persons and Technology. Personalist Forum 13 (1): 5-21.
Laine, Joy. 1992. Persons, Plants and Insects: On Surviving Reincarnation. Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement): 145-58.
Lamacchia, Ada. 1993. Mounier: Personalismo Comunitario e Filosofia
dell'Esistenza. Series: Vestigia; 9. Bari: Levante Editori.
Lavely, John. 1991. What is Personalism? Personalist Forum 7 (2): 1-34.
Lavely, John. 1988. Personalism Then and Now and Perhaps Hereafter. Personalist Forum 4 (2): 21-42.
Lavely, John. 1986. Personalism Supports the Dignity of Nature. Personalist Forum 2 (1): 29-37.
Lpez, Rodrigo Guerra. 2003. Afirmar a la persona por s misma. La dignidad como fundamento de los derechos de la persona. Mxico: Comisin Nacional de los Derechos Humanos.
Gadamer writes: "[The loss of personhood] happens within medical science when the individual patient is objectified in terms of a mere multiplicity of data. In a clinical investigation all the information about a person is treated as if it could be adequately collated on a card index. If this is done correctly, then the relevant data will all uniquely apply to the person involved. But the question is whether the unique value of the individual is properly recognized in this process. Clearly this is not merely true for the situation of patients within the institution of the clinic. In the vast technical structure of our civilization we are all patients."
Samuel Gregg Moderator's Opening Remarks
Marc D. Guerra The Affirmation of Genuine Human Dignity
Ricardo F. Crespo Reply to Marc Guerra's "The Affirmation of Genuine Human Dignity"
Richard Bayer The Social Nature of the Human Person in Economic Personalism
Eduardo J. Echeverria Reply to Richard Bayer's "The Social Nature of the Human Person in Economic Personalism"
John Bolt Catena sive Umbilicus: A Christian View of Social Institutions
Gary Quinlivan Reply to John Bolt's "Catena sive Umbilicus: A Christian View of Social Institutions"
Mark Broski Know Thy Limits: The Noneconomics of Abundance
Gloria L. Ziga Reply to Mark Broski's "Know Thy Limits: The Noneconomics of Abundance"
Paul A. Cleveland Economic Liberty
Stephen J. Grabill Reply to Paul Cleveland's "Economic Liberty"
Gregory R. Beabout The Primacy of Culture
Kevin E. Schmiesing Reply to Gregory Beabout's "The Primacy of Culture"
Levi, Primo.. 1998. A short bibliography of works by and about Primo Levi and Italian Judaism.
Levinas Bibliography.. 1998. A short bibliography of primary and secondary works related to Emmanuel Levinas's ethical thought.
Leonardy, H. 1976. Liebe und Person: Max Scheler's Versuch eines "phaenomenologischen" Personalismus . The Hague.
Macmurray Bibliography Papers and Bibliography: John Macmurray, personalist philosopher.
Marc, Alexandre. See L'Ordre nouveau and Roy
Margolis, Joseph. 1978. Persons and Minds.. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Maritain Bibliography. Website and Bibliography. Jacques Maritain Center, University of Notre Dame.
McLachlan, James. 1995. George Holmes Howison: The Conception of God Debate and the Beginnings of Personal Idealism. Personalist Forum 11 (1): 1-16.
McLachlan, James. 1992. Nicolas Berdyaev's Existentialist Personalism. Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement): 57-65.
McLean, George, and Hugo Meynell (eds). 1988. Person and Nature. Latham MD: University Press of America.
McLean, George, and Hugo Meynell (eds). 1988. Person and Society. Latham MD: University Press of America.
Minkus, P. A. 1960. Philosophy of the Person. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Moix, Candide. 1960. La Pensée de'Emmanuel Mounier . Paris.
Mounier Bibliography.. 1998. A short bibliography of works by Emmunuel Mounier (1905-50).
Mulvaney, Robert. 1993. American Personalism as a Philosophy of Religion. Personalist Forum 9 (1): 9-12.
Mulvaney, Robert. 1993. Personalism as a Philosophy of Religion. Personalist Forum 9 (1): 19-34.
Mulvaney, Robert. 1993. Personalism and Contemporary Philosophy of Religion. Personalist Forum 9 (1): 35-52..
NA. 1965. Concilium: Theology in the Age of Renewal, Volume 5. Moral Problems and Christian Personalism. New York: Paulist Press.
Neville, Robert and Burrow, Rufus, Jr. 1989. The Boston Personalist Tradition. Personalist Forum 5 (2): 137-.
O'Connor, Noreen. 1988. 'The Person is Political: Discursive Practice of the Face-to-Face', The Provocation of Levinas: Rethinking the Other, ed. Robert Bernasconi and David Wood, London, Routledge, 1988, pp. 57-69.
Oliver, Harold and Thomas O. Buford (eds). 1999. Personalism Revisited. Amsterdam: Rodopi Press.
Oliver, Harold. 1989. Relational Personalism. Personalist Forum 5 (1): 27-42.
O'Malley, John B. 1966. The fellowship of being : an essay on the concept of person in the Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel. The Hague: Nijhoff.
L'Ordre nouveau. A Journal published in French, 1933-38. Edited by Robert ARON, Claude CHEVALLEY, Arnaud DANDIEU, DANIEL-ROPS, Alexandre MARC, Denis de ROUGEMONT. Reproduction published by Fondation mile Chanoux and Presses d'Europe. "L'Ordre Nouveau" met en vidence le rle essentiel de la personne. Au mme
titre que le groupe "Esprit", ces Non-Conformistes, ... sont l'origine du
personnalisme, base de la rvolution spirituelle qu'ils rclament."
Padgett,. 1991. The Ethical Theory of Peter A. Bertocci. Personalist Forum 7 (1): 51-72.
Padgett. 1989. Key to Personalism: A Moral Relation Rooted in Respect for Persons. Personalist Forum 5 (1): 43-65 .
Padgett,. 1985. Personhood, Morality, and Medical Choice. Personalist Forum 13 (2): 99.
Papini, Roberto, (ed). 1981. L'Apporto del Personalismo alla Costruzione
dell' Europa. Milan: Massimo.
Parent, Juan Maria. 1997. El individualismo fenecera; Mounier ayer, hoy y siempre. (Toluca:UAEM).
Peachey, Paul, John Kromkowski, and George McLean (eds). 1991. The Place
of the Person in Social Life. Latham MD: University Press of
Plantinga, Alvin. 1960-61. "Things and Persons," Review of
Prust, Richard C. 1997. Soul Talk and Bowne's Ontology of Personhood. Personalist Forum 13 (1): 69-76.
Prust, Richard C. 1996. Personal Integrity and Moral Value. Personalist Forum12 (2): 147-62.
Puccetti, Roland. 1969. Persons. New York
Reck,. 1991. The Philosophical Achievement of Peter A. Bertocci. Personalist Forum 7 (1): 73-90.
Rossitto, Cristina and Biuseppe Pietrobelli, eds. 1980. La Crisi della
Cultura Politica Contemporanea e il Pensiero Personalista: Atti del Seminario
Internazionale di Studi (Montebelluna, 19-21 Ottobre 1979). Padova:
Libreria Editrice Gregoriana.
Roy, C. 1999. Alexandre Marc et la jeune Europe (1904-1934): L'ordre nouveau aux origines du personnalisme. Nice: Presses d'Europe. Introduction (.pdf version).
Rutledge, David. 1993. Introduction to Special Issue: Polany on the Person. Personalist Forum 9 (2): 63-66.
Sawicki, Marianne. 1998. Personal Connections: The Phenomenology of Edith Stein. Lecture at St. John's University in New York on October 15, 1998, and at the Carmelite Monastery in Baltimore on November 13, 1998.
Sayre, Patricia. 1992. Persons and Perspectives: A Personalist Response to Nagel. Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement): 205-213.
Scheler, Max. 1987. Person and Self Value: Three Essays. Martinus
Scheler, Max. 1973 Formalism in ethics and non-formal ethics of values;
a new attempt toward the foundation of an ethical personalism [5th rev.
ed.]. Translated by Manfred S. Frings and Roger L. Funk. Evanston,
Northwestern University Press
Scheler, Max. 1961. Mans' Place in Nature . Tr. and Introduction by Hans Meyerhoff. New York: Noonday.
Scheler, Max. 1960. On the Eternal in Man . Tr. Bernard Noble. London: SCM Press, 1960. Reprinted: Hamden: Archon Books, 1972.
Scheler, Max. 1958. Philosophical Perspectives . Tr. Oscar Haac. Boston: Beacon Press.
Scheler, Max. 1954. The Nature of Sympathy . Tr. Peter Heath; Introduction by Werner Stark. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Reprinted, Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1970.
Scheler, Max (1874-1928)
Scheler Bibliography. (Manfred Frings).
Schmiesing, Kevin E. 2001. The Context of Economic Personalism. Markets and Morality 4 (2).
Schneck, Stephen F. 1986. Person and Polis: Max Scheler's Personalism As Political Theory. Albany: State Univ of New York Press.
Schroeder, Steve. 1996. Virginia Woolf's Subject and the Subject of Ethics: Notes Towards a Poetics of Persons. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellon Press.
Schultz, Walter James. 1982. Jacques Maritain's Social Critique and His Personalism. (Dissertation). Hamilton, Ontario: McMaster University, 1982.
Seifert, Josef. 1997. "La filosofia personalista di Dietrich von Hildebrand e la sua opposizione contro il nazionalsocialismo," Acta Philosophica. Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia 6: 53-81
Seifert, Josef. 1996. "Euthanasie und 'Hirntod'," Kirche heute 7/8: 32-34.
Seifert, Josef. 1995. "Erklren heute Medizin und Gesetze Lebende zu Toten?" in: Organspende. Letzter Liebesdienst oder Euthanasie (Abtsteinach: Derscheider), pp. 51-88.
Seifert, Josef. 1995. "Hirntoddefinition als Schritt zur Euthanasie," in: Walter Ramm (ed.), pp. 7-8.
Seifert, Josef. 1994. "Essere Persona Come Perfezione Pura. Il Beato Duns Scoto e una nuova metafisica personalistica," De Homine, Dialogo di Filosofia 11 (Rom: Herder/Universit Lateranense, 1994), pp. 57-75.
Seifert, Josef. 1993. "Is 'Brain death' actually death?" The Monist 76: 175-202.
Seifert, Josef. 1992. "Is 'Brain Death' actually Death? A Critique of Redefining Man's Death in Terms of 'Brain Death'," in: R.J. White, H. Angstwurm, I. Carasco de Paola (Ed.), Working Group on the Determination of Brain Death and Its Relationship to Human Death. (Vatican City: Pontifical Academy of the Sciences ), pp. 95-143.
Seifert, Josef. 1991. "Erklren heute Medizin und Gesetze Lebende zu Toten?" in Organspende: Kritische Ansichten zur Transplantationsmedizin, ed. R. Greinert and G. Wuttke, (Gttingen: Lamuv Verlag), pp. 185-208.
Seifert, Josef. 1990. "Ist 'Hirntod' wirklich der Tod?" in WMW. Diskussionsforum Medizinische Ethik , Nr. 4, (October 1990), D2.
Seifert, Josef. 1989. Das Leib-Seele Problem und die gegenwrtige philosophische Diskussion. Eine kritisch-systematische Analyse (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft).
Seifert, Josef. 1989. Essere e persona. Verso una fondazione fenomenologica di una metafisica classica e personalistica. (Milano: Vita e Pensiero)
Seifert, Josef. 1988."Hirntod: Ein Beitrag zur Kritik der philosophischen Korrumpierung der medizinischen Technik", in Ethik & Technik (Zrich: M&T edition).
Seifert, Josef. 1976. Was ist und was motiviert eine sittliche Handlung? (What is and what Motivates a Moral Action?) (Salzburg: Universittsverlag A. Pustet)
Seifert, Josef. 1973. Leib und Seele. Ein Beitrag zur philosophischen Anthropologie (Salzburg: A. Pustet)
Self,. 1985. The Relationship of Personhood to Medical-Ethical Decision Making. Personalist Forum 13 (2): 76-98.
Slaate, H. A. 1997. Personality, Spirit and Ethics:The Ethics of Nicholas Berdyaev . New York, P. Lang Publisher.
Smith, John. 1992. Person to Person -- The Community and Person. Personalist Forum 8 (1): 41-54 .
Spader, P. nd. Values, the Heart and the Person; The Understanding and Development of Max Scheler's Ethical Personalism (unpublished manuscript. Scranton, USA.).
Springsted, Eric O. 1992. Personalism and Persons: A Response to Gendreau and Haddox. Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement): 119-21.
Spader, Peter H. 2002. Scheler's Ethical Personalism: Its Logic, Development, and Promise. New York: Forham University Press.
Spader, Peter. 1995. "Max Scheler's Practical Ethics and the Model Person," American Catholic philosophical quarterly 69: 63-
Steinkamp, Hermann. 1967. Der Personalismus in der Sozialphilosophie J. Maritain. (Dissertation) Bonn: Rheinishchen- Friedrich- Wilhelms- Universitat, 1967.
Stuhr, John, J. 1990. Personalist and Pragmatist Persons. Personalist Forum 6 (2): 181- Surber, Jere Paul. 1992. The Priority of the Personal: An 'Other' Tradition in Modern Continental Philosophy. Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement): 225-31.
Tischner, Josef, J.M. Zycinski, and George F. McLean (Eds). 1994. The Philosophy of Person : Solidarity and Cultural Creativity : Polish Philosophical Studies, I (Cultural
Hearitage and Contemporary Change, Iva, Eas) Council for Research in Values &
von Hildebrand, Dietrich. 1978. Ethics, 2nd edn (Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press)
von Hildebrand, Dietrich. 1973. "Legitime und illegitime Formen der Beeinflussung," in Situationsethik und kleinere Schriften. Gesammelte Schriften . Band VIII. Hrsg. v. der Dietrich-von-Hildebrand-Gesellschaft (Stuttgart/Regensburg: Verlag W. Kohlhammer/ Verlag Josef Habbel, 1971-84).
von Hildebrand, Dietrich. 1971. Das Wesen der Liebe. Dietrich von Hildebrand. Gesammelte Werke, vol. III (Regensburg)
Wojtyla Bibliography. 1998. A bibliography of works by and about Karol Wojtyla (Pope John-Paul II) as a personalist philosopher.
Wren, Thomas. (Out of Print). Personal Universe : Essays in Honor of John MacMurray.
Woznicki, Andrew N. 1980. A Christian Humanism: Karol Wojtyla's Existential Personalism. New Britain, Conn.: Mariel Publications.
Zanotti, Gabriel J.. 2001. The Finn-Gronbacher Debate. Markets and Morality 4 (2).
Zubiri Bibliography: Official Zubiri Bibliography. Other bibliographies and online texts -- maintained by the Zubiri Foundation.
Zubiri, Xavier. 1963. ÇEl hombre, realidad personalČ: Revista de Occidente 1: 5-29.
Zubiri, Xavier. 1964. The Origin of Man. In Contemporary Spanish Philosophy , ed. A. R. Caponigri (pp. 42-75). Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1967. Original: "El origen del hombre," Revista de Occidente, Ano. II, 2a er. No. 17 (August, 1964): 146-173.
Zubiri, Xavier. 1980. Sentient Intelligence. Trans. Thomas B. Fowler (1997): original: Inteligencia sentiente. Inteligencia y realidad. Alianza Editorial - Sociedad de Estudios y Publicaciones. Madrid.
Ziga, Gloria L. 2001. What Is Economic Personalism? A Phenomenological Analysis. Markets and Morality 4 (2).
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