Conferences and Colloquia sponsored by the
International Association for Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Conference: Phenomenology in the cognitive sciences. Center for Subjectivity Research. Copenhagen (14-16 January 2010).
Phenomenology and the Science of Consciousness, University of Central Florida (March 2008)
Cognition: Embodied, Embedded, Enactive, Extended, University of Central Florida (October 2007)
Situated Cognition: Perspectives from Phenomenology and Science, Durham University, UK (August 2006)
Phenomenology, Intersubjectivity, and Theory of Mind. University of Central Florida, Orlando (January 2005)
The Embodied Mind. Copenhagen. (June 2004).
Intersubjectivity and Embodiment. Perspectives from Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. Louvain (September 2003)
The Imagination in Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. London (July 2002).
Intentionality and Experience. Copenhagen (June 2001).
Beyond the Hard Problem: Consequences of Neurophenomenology. Boulder, Colorado (May 25-26, 2001).
Phenomenological and Experimental Approaches to Cognition. CREA, Paris (June, 2000)
Related projects and conferences on Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Research project: Representations of the minimal self in self-narrative: Theoretical and conceptual advances in the cognitive neuroscience of self representation: Representations of the minimal self in self-narrative. Funded by the National Science Foundation in connection with the European Science Foundation CNCC - BASIC project.
Social cognition and social narrative. Collegium and Summer School sponsored by the European Science Foundation, CNCC project. Organized by Shaun Gallagher, Dan Zahavi, and Dan Hutto. San Marino University (7-14 July 2008).
Social cognition, emotions, and self-consciousness. Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg/Hanse Institute for Advanced Study. Delmenhorst, Germany (March 8 - 10, 2007)
Embodied and Situated Cognition: From Phenomenology to Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence. Polish Society of Cognitive Science. Poland (16-18 November 2006)
The Origin of Consciousness: Perspectives from Neuroscience. A debate between Christopher Frith and Christof Koch. University of San Marino, Center for Semiotics and Cognitive Studies, Monastary at San Marino. San Marino (27-29 October 2006).
10th Annual Conference of the Consciousness and Experiential Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society. St Anne's College, Oxford (September 15-17, 2006)
Workshop on Embodiment and Personhood. University of Jyvskyl, Finland (11-15 September 2006).
Language, Culture, and Mind Conference. CREA. Paris (17-20 July 2006).
Embodied Mind Workshop, Cardiff University (13-14 July 2006)
Conference: The Extended Mind 2. The University of Hertfordshire (10-12 July 2006)
International Conference on Philosophy, Psychiatry, and the Neurosciences. Leiden University, The Netherlands (June 28 - July 1, 2006).
Philosophical issues in psychiatry: Natural kinds, mental taxonomy and the nature of reality. University of Copenhagen (25-26 May 2006).
Phenomenological approaches to Moral Philosophy and Education. With Hubert Dreyfus, Shaun Gallagher and Sean Kelly. Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, University of Oslo (June 6-8, 2006).
First-Person Study of Consciousness: Shared Foundations and Moral Dimensions. Center for Creative Inquiry. San Francisco (March 31-April 2, 2006).
Fondements cognitifs de l'interaction avec autrui (Amphithtre Marguerite de Navarre) Collge de France (2006-07).
Broken Minds/Broken Bodies: What cognitive science can learn from neuro- psycho-pathologies. University of Central Florida (February 2006)
Towards a Science of Conscioiusness: Methodological and Conceptual Issues. Copenhagen (August 2005).
Between phenomenology and neuroscience: Towards a Science of Consciousness (Prague, July 2003).
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Self-Consciousness. Conference and Ph.D. seminar, Graduate School of Neuroscience, University of Copenhagen Medical School (May 2003).
Phenomenological interventions in the cognitive neurosciences, The Hebdomades Lectures, Philosophy Department, Univerzita Palack?ho v Olomouci, Czech Republic (May 12-15, 2003).
Approches du ph?nom?ne de
la prise de conscience Workshop sponsored by the Coll?ge International de Philosophie, at Maison
Heinrich Heine, Cit? Universitaire (organized by Natalie Depraz and Amy Cohen-Varela) Paris (29 April 2003).
Gurwitsch's Relevance for Cognitive Science, Symposium, Florida Atlantic University (October 2002)
Cognition and Mind. Conference and Ph.D. Seminar, Graduate School of Neuroscience, Panum Institute, School of Medicine, University of Copenhagen (February, 2002)
The Phenomenology and Cognition Workshop -- Atelier phenomenologie et cognition (Paris, France): four one-day seminars in 2000-2001, with the support of the R?seau de Sciences Cognitives d'Ile-de-France.
Unity and Disunity in Embodied Experience, Jonathan Cole, Natalie Depraz, Shaun Gallagher. Workshop at the ASSC Conference, Brussels (July, 2000).
Fetzer Institute meeting on Intersubjectivity: Integrating Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (Organized by Evan Thompson). Michigan (September, 1999)
Problems of the Self. Conference on Philosophical and Psychopathological Perspectives on Self-experience (Organized by Josef Parnas and Dan Zahavi ). Copenhagen (May, 1999)
Related Publication Projects
Journal: Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Evan Thompson. 2008. Mind in Life: Biology, Phenomenology, and the Sciences of Mind. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Shaun Gallagher and Dan Zahavi. 2008. The Phenomenological Mind. London: Routledge.
Matthew Ratcliffe. 2007. Rethinking Commonsense Psychology. Palgrave-Macmillan.
Dan Zahavi. 2005. Subjectivity and Selfhood: Investigating the First-Person Perspective. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Shaun Gallagher. 2005. How the Body Shapes the Mind. Oxford: Oxford University Press. More information
NEW: Special journal issue: Le Soi dan tous ses eLtat. Théologiques (University of Montreal).
Zahavi, Gr?nbaum and Parnas (Eds.) 2004. The Structure and Development of Self-Consciousness. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Gallagher and Watson et al. (eds). 2004. Ipseity and Alterity: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Intersubjectivity. Rouen: University Press of Rouen.
Theoria et Historia Scientiarum, Vol. 7, No. 1. Special issue: Embodiment and awareness. Perspectives from phenomenology and cognitive science. (edited by Shaun Gallagher and Natalie Depraz). - 2003.
Depraz, Varela and Vermersch. 2003. On Becoming Aware. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Jack and Roepstorff. 2003. Trusting the Subject: The Use of Introspective Evidence in Cognitive Science. Imprint Academic.
Kircher and David. 2003. The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Between Ourselves: Second-Person Issues in the Study of Consciousness. Special issue of the Journal of Consciousness Studies - (edited by Evan Thompson) - 2001.
S. K. Toombs (ed). 2001. Handbook for The Philosophy of Medicine, Volume One: Phenomenology and Medicine. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Table of Contents
Ipseity and Alterity. Special issue of Arobase: Journal des lettres et sciences humaines. Review journal of Groupe de Recherche en Litt?ratures & Sciences Humaines (edited by Shaun Gallagher and Stephen Watson) - Electronic format, Fall 2000; Paper publication, 2003.
Exploring the Self. Conference papers from Problems of the Self. Philosophical and Psychopathological Perspectives on Self-experience Dan Zahavi (ed.): John Benjamins. Amsterdam-Philadelphia. 2000.
Naturalizing Phenomenology: Contemporary Issues in Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Edited by J. Petitot , F.Varela, B.Pachoud and J.M.Roy. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.
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