Colloquium: Intentionality and Experience
Copenhagen, June 25-26, 2001
A wide variety of presentations, allowing for a mixture of approaches, including phenomenology, cognitive science, and analytical philosophy of mind.
Conference Schedule
Monday June 25
Holberg Room, Black Diamond, Sżren Kierkegaards Plads 1, Copenhagen
10.00-10.15 Welcome by Birgitte Possing
10.15-10.45 Dan Zahavi: Opening Issues
10.45-11.15 Discussion
11.15-11.45 Brian Smith (Indiana University): "First-person disquotation: inside and outside of the mind-world relation."
11.45-12.00 Comments by Mark van Atten (Utrecht University)
12.00-12.45 Discussion
12.45-13.45 Lunch
13.45-14.15 Eduard Marbach (University of Bern): "Re-presentation and experience"
14.15-14.30 Comments by Natalie Depraz (Sorbonne)
14.30-15.15 Discussion
15.15-15.45 Break
15.45-16.15 Piet Hut (Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton): "Six ways to view the world"
16.15-16.30 Comments by Josef Parnas (University of Copenhagen) 16.30-17.15 Discussion
17.15-17.45 Shaun Gallagher (Canisius College): "First-person access to second-person intentionality."
17.45-18.15 Discussion
Tuesday June 26 Holberg Room, Black Diamond, Sżren Kierkegaards Plads 1, Copenhagen
10.00-10.30 Jean Petitot (CREA): "Perception, non-conceptual contents and ante-predicative experience."
10.30-10.45 Comments by Louis Sass (Rutgers)
10.45-11.30 Discussion
11.30-12.00 Yoko Arisaka (University of San Francisco): "Some ontological confusions in recent theories of intentionality."
12.00-12.30 Discussion
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.00 Jonathan Cole (University of Southampton): "On the perception and timing of action without feedback."
14.00-14.30 Discussion
14.30-15.00 Jennifer Whiting (Cornell University): "First-person beliefs and imaginary fission cases."
15.00-15.15 Comments by Shaun Gallagher (Canisius College)
15.15-16.00 Discussion
16.00-16.30 Break
16.30-17.00 Denis Fisette (UQAM): "How can phenomenology contribute to solve the problem of consciousness? Reflections on theĘnatural method."
17.00-17.30 Discussion
17.30-18.00 Future Plans
The conference will take place at the 'Black Diamond', the new
building of the Royal Library. More information to follow.
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