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Archived Announcements
Postdoc position available: Aspects of consciousness (phenomenal consciousness, self-consciousness) and their neuronal correlates. Centre de recherche en ŽpistŽmologie appliquŽe (CREA), Paris. Contact : Jean PETITOT, Telephone: +33 (0)1 55 55 86 23, |
September 1, 2004 is the final deadline for papers to be included in issue on Evolutionary Biology and the Central Problems of Cognitive Science. Please initially send me a brief outline of the projected paper at
Cognition and phenomenology. Philosophical implications of - and preconditions for - the study of meaning.
The symposium poses this question to some of the most prominent contemporary thinkers and invites everyone to engage in a debate which will undoubtedly be worthwhile.
09.30-10.30: Tim Adamson, Iowa Wesleyan College
Friday, January 30
09.30-10.30: Andreas Roepstorff, CFIN: Cellular Neurosemiotics
Saturday, January 31
10.00-11-00: Jean Petitot, Paris
Inscription can be entered by letter, telephone, fax or e-mail, before
January 20, 2004. As the number of participants is limited to 50, we
kindly ask you to signify your interest as soon as possible.
Fee: dkr. 500. Students dkr. 300. The fee includes lunch, coffee,
materials etc. Please send the fee to:
The Symposium will take place at the Center for Semiotics, Niels Juels
Gade 84, DK-8200 Aarhus N
PHONE (+45) 89 42 54 99
Journee 2 / Seminar 2:
AmphithŽ‰tre de l'EHESS
The mechanistic program of decomposing and localizing functions has proven very successful in discovering the basic structure of the mechanisms underlying vision. Neuroscientists have discovered a hierarchy of brain areas, each of which processes different components of visual input. The strategy of developing such mechanistic models relies in part on what McCauley and I refer to as the heuristic identity theory:brain areas are identified with specific functional processes on the basis of suggestive preliminary evidence. If an hypothesized identity proves fruitful in directing further research, the identity claim becomes incorporated into the foundations of the science and does not have to be independently justified. This suggests that insofar as we want to understand visual experience the strategy ought to involve tentatively identifying an area in the brain in which what is processed corresponds to features of the world of which we are visually aware. Once plausible tentative proposals are advanced one can convert Leibniz's law into a discovery tool to expand both our knowledge of neural processing and the characteristics of visual experience. I will discuss a number of pieces of evidence, such as that stemming from visual agnosia, that support Jesse Prinz's hypothesis that processing in extrastriate cortex is the locus of visual experience. The identification of brain areas with functional roles is just a first step in understanding brain processes. The visual system is a complex integrated system with feedback and collateral processing as well as feedforward. Understanding the interactive processing in this system requires a richer set of tools than have been brought to bear so far. Dynamical systems theory offers such tools, and I will end with suggestions about how a dynamical perspective might be brought to bear in understanding extrastriate visual processing.
RŽpondant: DANIEL ANDLER (UniversitŽ Paris-IV / Centre Cavaills)
Dynamical conceptions of cognition are now widely accepted and, reinforced by many experimental key results of cognitive neurosciences, have even superseded in many cases more classical symbolic ones. One of the main criticism raised against them concerned their supposed inability to deal correctly with constituency and constituent structures. Taking the example of the morphodynamical structures of perception we will show that this criticism is essentially unjustified.
RŽpondant: JACQUES DROULEZ (LPPA, Collge de France)
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Natalie Depraz
Shaun Gallagher
More information at the Journal Website
On October 1, 2000, a new, international association was formed for purposes of organizing colloquia and larger conferences devoted to themes that explore the intersection of phenomenology and the cognitive sciences.
Recent and upcoming meetings and workshops
Board of Advisors
For further information contact Shaun Gallagher
Freitag, 26.10.
Neuer Senatssaal
Neuer Senatssaal Moderation: Siegfried Rombach
Samstag, 27.10.
Raum 4.016 Moderation: Prof. Dr. Paul Janssen
Neuer Senatssaal Moderation: PD Dr. Dieter Lohmar
Neuer Senatssaal Moderation: Prof. Dr. Klaus DŸsing
Husserl Archiv
Origines et Postérité de la Phénoménologie
10 to 15 September 2001
Deadline for submissions: April 31, 2003
Personal Identity Vol. 87:4 October 2004
Deadline for submissions: July 31, 2003.
In response to this apparent deadlock, attention has turned to questions
of methodology. Some have criticized the "method of cases" ö i.e., reliance
upon our intuitions about personal identity in hypothetical cases as the
primary test of proposed necessary and sufficient conditions for a person's
persistence over time. They hold that this method is unsuitable for
developing a positive theory of personal identity. Others have come to the
method's defense, in more or less limited ways. Some have suggested that
questions about personal identity are intertwined with issues in ethics,
epistemology, and the philosophy of science. Others insist that such topics
are irrelevant to a problem they see as purely metaphysical.
This issue of The Monist will be devoted to discussions of the problem of
personal identity ö that is, to discussions of the question of how the
question ought properly to be approached. Authors need not remain agnostic
on first-order questions about personal identity, but the primary focus of
papers should be methodological. Contributors will include John Campbell,
Carol Rovane, and Sydney Shoemaker.
Theme: Phenomenology and the New Sciences
Presentations to include:
More information? Contact: Elena Zanger.
Call For Papers
The Forum for European Philosophy and the University of London School of
Advanced Study are calling for papers by graduate students to be presented
at their conference "Being-in-London: Anglophone and European Philosophy
of Mind" on 16 March 2001.
The conference is concerned with promoting recent work on the philosophy
of mind that draws on both the anglophone and the European traditions of
philosophy as well as providing a forum for graduates and academics
working in this area to meet one another.
Papers should be around 20-25 minutes presentation time (3000-3500 words)
and focus on areas of cross-fertilisation between twentieth century
anglophone philosophy of mind, and related work on meaning and
metaphysics, and the European traditions of phenomenology, psychoanalysis, semiotics, and hermeneutics.
Deadline for receipt of submissions is 1 December 2000.
Submissions should be made by post (envelope marked Being-in-London) to:
Charlotte Savery - Administrator
Any queries, contact:
The Philosophy of Body
Saturday 28th April 2001
Lecture Theatre, Faculty of Letters & Social Sciences
Conference Dinner
The full registration fee is £30, which includes refreshments and
lunch. There will be some student bursaries at £12 and full
registration, to include the Conference dinner, is £50. Please register
as early as possible. Make cheques payable to ãThe University of
Readingä, and send them to: Jean Britland, Department of Philosophy,
University of Reading, Reading, RG6 6AA. Enquiries via e-mail to
This conference is supported by The Forum for European Philosophy, The
Mind Association and Blackwell Publishers. The papers given at this
Conference, plus some additional invited papers, will be published as a
special edition of Ratio by Blackwells in 2002.
The aim of the Conference
There has been increasing philosophical interest within Anglophone
philosophy in the last few years in the body, and it seems likely that
this interest will continue to increase, if not explode, over the next
decade. It seems that there are several contributing causes. The first
arises from an interest in what distinguishes human beings from
computers. A second cause has been the continuing rapprochement between
so-called analytic and continental philosophy. In continental
philosophy, specially within the work of the phenomenologists and in
Merleau-Ponty in particular, there has been a concern with embodiedness,
from which analytic philosophers are gradually realising they have
something to learn. A third cause has been the development of feminist
philosophy within the last 40 years, in which embodiedness, to begin
with especially sex and gender, but later much more generally, has
played a central, indeed, defining, role.
The conference is primarily aimed at philosophers working within the
Anglophone tradition, with the goal of discovering what might be learnt
from the work of philosophers who have worked, or drawn upon, the
phenomenological tradition, and, in particular, from the work of
Merleau-Ponty. There has recently been a growing interest among
Anglophone philosophers in the work of Merleau-Ponty. The speakers at
the conference reflect the various strands which have led to the current
philosophical interest in the body. Quassim Cassam, whose work on the
Self in the tradition of Peter Strawson, draws upon Merleau-Ponty in his
latest book. Sean Kelly, from Princeton, has research interests which
centre around the philosophical, phenomenological, and cognitive
neuroscientific aspects of perception. The philosophers most important
to his project are Merleau-Ponty and the Oxford philosopher Gareth
Evans. Kelly will be giving a paper on Merleau-Ponty on the bodyâ.
Alison Adam, from the Information Systems Institute at the University of
Salford, is the author of the recent Routledge book Artificial Knowing:
Gender and the Thinking Machine. She will be speaking at the Conference
on connections between issues in AI and the human body and gender. Our
main speaker is Hubert Dreyfus of Berkeley. His paper for the conference
will be on the contemporary philosopher, Samuel Todes, (Northwestern
University) whose pioneer work on the Philosophy of Body draws
fruitfully drawn upon phenomenological understanding.
The Ratio Conference for April 2001 thus continues the theme of some
previous Ratio conferences of the ways in which the analytic tradition
can learn from philosophical work in other traditions, and of the
development of a convergence of interests which may have been masked by
the more entrenched attitudes of the last few decades.
Michael Proudfoot Coll (Bât. de Physique, 1er étage/G, salle 1) 20 Décembre 2000 9h - 18h Sous la direction de Alain BERTHOZ Jean-Luc PETIT La spatialité originaire du corps propre: phénoménologie et neurosciences Jean-Pierre ROLL Rôle fondateur de la sensibilité proprioceptive Jean FRERE Laction chez Aristote Agnès ROBY-BRAMI Plasticité du comportement moteur chez les cérébro-lésés Christian XERRI La plasticité des cartes corticales somato-sensorielles Christopher MACANN Être ou ne pas être son corps propre : voilà la question! Pierre Paul VIDAL Le schéma corporel, bases biomécaniques et neurophysiologiques Ève BERGER et Didier AUSTRY Le développement de la plasticité perceptive
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Theoria et Historia Scientiarum
January 29. - 31. 2004
11.00-12.00: Steven Ravett Brown, Berkeley
12.00-13.00: Lunch
13.00-14.00: Per Aage Brandt, Center for Semiotik: Spinoza's Error
14.30-15.30: Svend ¯stergaard, Center for Semiotik
16.00-17.00: Wolfgang Wildgen, Bremen
11.00-12.00: Shaun Gallagher, Orlando: Embodiment and the meaning of other bodies.
12.00-13.00: Lunch
13.00-14.00: Mark Johnson, Eugene, Oregon: Image Schema Skeletons in Search of Some Flesh and Blood
14.30-15.30: Poul LŸbcke, KUA: The Concept of Meaning by Frege, Husserl and Heidegger
16.00-17.00: Peer BundgŒrd, Paris: How phenomenology did anticipate cognitive linguistics-a couple of examples
11.00-13.00: Debate, Conclusions
Aarhus University, Den Danske Bank, accountno.: 3627 4809 97 37 00.
Put your name on AND refer to: 10 2190 50 1130 04 (our accountno.) not later
than January 20, 2004.
FAX (+45) 89 42 54 88
Mardi 18 Decembre / Tuesday December 18th
105 Bld. Raspail
Paris 75006
WILLIAM BECHTEL, (Washington University, Saint Louis, USA)
"Mechanism, Dynamics, and Visual Experience"
New Journal: Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Volume 1 scheduled for publication in 2002.
(Philosophy, University of Paris, Sorbonne)
Shaun Gallagher
(Philosophy and Cognitive Science, Canisius College)
Papers (preferably in electronic format) should be submitted to
Department of Philosophy and Cognitive Science
Canisius College
Buffalo, NY 14208
Association for Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Evan Thompson, Co-director (York University)
Dan Zahavi, Co-director (University of Copenhagen)
Yoko Arisaka (University of San Francisco)
Jonathan Cole (Southampton University)
Natalie Depraz (University of Paris - Sorbonne)
Shaun Gallagher (Canisius College)
Piet Hut (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University)
Eduard Marbach (University of Bern)
Alva No‘ (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Josef Parnas (University of Copenhagen)
Jean Petitot (CREA, Paris)
S. Kay Toombs (Baylor University)
Francisco Varela (LENA-Neurosciences Cognitives, Paris)
PhŠnomenologische Erkenntnis- und SubjektivitŠtstheorie
26-27. Oktober 2001
UniversitŠt zu Kšln
9.00 - 9.15 Uhr Begr٤ung
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Klaus E. Kaehler
9.15 - 10.15 Uhr
Prof. Dr. William R. McKenna (Oxford/USA): The Constitutive Effects of the
Awareness of Others
10.15 - 11.15 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Dan Zahavi (Kopenhagen): Another Look at Husserl's Theory of
11.30 - 12.30 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Ullrich Melle (Leuven): Husserls personalistische Ethik
Raum 4.016 Moderation: Dr. Henning Peucker
14.30 - 15.30 Uhr
Dorothea Wildenburg (Marburg): Menschenbeobachtungen versus DenkkŸnsteleien.
Husserl und Fichte
15.30 - 16.30 Uhr
Dr. Sebastian Luft (Leuven): Husserls Konzept der transzendentalen Person
16.30 - 17.30 Uhr
Shigeru Taguchi (Tokyo/Wuppertal): Individuation und Ich-Gemeinschaft.
Zum Problem der Vielheit der ichlichen Individuen bei Husserl
14.30 - 15.30 Uhr
Dr. Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl (Graz): Praxis der SubjektivitŠt. Zum VerhŠltnis
von TranszendentalphŠnomenologie und Hermeneutik
15.30 - 16.30 Uhr
Prof. Dr. James Dodd (Boston): IdealitŠt, Echtheit und Methode bei Husserl
16.30 - 17.30 Uhr
Michael Weiler (Leuven/Kšln): "Verantwortung fŸr das wahre Sein der
Menschheit". Wissenschaftskritik als Kulturkritik in Husserls Texten zu
"Natur und Geist"
18.30 s.t.
Prof. Dr. Walter Biemel (Aachen): Die GrŸndung des Kšlner Husserl-Archivs.
Die Bedeutung eines Traums
Im Anschlu§ an den Abendvortrag sind alle Tagungsteilnehmer herzlich zu
einem Empfang im DozentencafŽ eingeladen.
9.30 - 10.30 Uhr
Siegfried Rombach (Freiburg/Kšln): Meinen als Verzeitlichen. Von den
Gegenstandstypen zu den Seinsarten
10.30 - 11.30 Uhr
Dr. Paolo VolontŽ (Mailand) Der innere Zeitflu§ als rein noematischer Inhalt
11.45 - 12.45 Uhr
Prof. Tetsuya Sakakibara (Kyoto): Reflexion auf die lebendige Gegenwart und
das Urbewu§tsein bei Husserl
9.30 - 10.30 Uhr
Lina Rizzoli (Mailand): Referenz und Syntax
10.30 - 11.30 Uhr
Dr. Holger Maa§ (Leipzig): Verifikation und Explikation. Eine Zweideutigkeit
in Husserls Begriff der kategorialen Anschauung
11.45 - 12.45 Uhr
Thane Naberhaus (Washington): Das Problem gegenstandsloser Vorstellungen und
die phŠnomenologische Reduktion
Raum 4.016 Moderation: Michael Weiler
14.30 - 15.30 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Lanei Rodemeyer (Pittsburgh): VergegenwŠrtigung der Anderen: Ist
das der einzige Weg zur IntersubjektivitŠt bei Husserl?
15.30 - 16.30 Uhr
Dr. Christian Lotz (Marburg/Atlanta): Der Doktor und das liebe Vieh. Husserl
und das Problem der Tiere
14.30 - 15.30 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Natalie Depraz (Paris): Das Ethos der Aufmerksamkeit. Zuwendung,
†bung und plurale Achtung (Husserl, Stumpf, James)
15.30 - 16.30 Uhr
Dr. Henning Peucker (Kšln): Sittlichkeit und Sinnlichkeit. Husserls Kritik
an der kantischen Ethik
16.30 - 17.30 Uhr
Prof. Dr. L‡szl— Tengelyi (Wuppertal): Der Erfahrungssinn der Wirklichkeit
Weitere Informationen / Further Informations:
UniversitŠt zu Kšln
Albertus-Magnus Platz
50935 Kšln
Tel.: 0221/470-2367
FAX: 0221/470-5040
PD Dr. D. Lohmar
Dr. H. Peucker
Edmund Husserl's Logical Investigations 1901-2001
Origins and Posterity Of Phenomenology
organisé par l'Université du Québec à Montréal
28, 29 et 30 mai 2001
Schedule, informations, contact & links:
Bolzano, Italy
Organized by: Mitteleuropa Foundation
Advisory Editor: JosŽ Luis Bermœdez (Stirling)
Advisory Editors: Dean Zimmerman and Tamar Gendler
(Syracuse University)
British Society for Phenomenology
Dates: 6-8 April 2001
Place: St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, England
The Phenomenology and Cognition Workshop (Paris, France) has organized four one-day seminars in 2000-2001, with the support of the RŽseau de Sciences Cognitives d'Ile-de-France. Participants include Michel Bitbol, David Chalmers, Natalie Depraz, Owen Flanagan, Shaun Gallagher, Jean-Franois Lavigne, Thomas Metzinger, E. Pacherie, Bernard Pachoud, Jean Luc Petit, Jean Petitot, Peter Reynaert, Jean-Michel Roy, Francisco Varela, Pierre Vermesch
Arobase: Journal des lettres et sciences humaines Vol.
4, Nos. 1-2 (2000), a special issue on self and others (Ipseity and
Forum for European Philosophy
Room J101
European Institute
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
9.30 - 11 Merleau-Ponty on the body (Sean Kelly) and discussion
11 - 11.30 Refreshment break
11.30 - 1 Gender/Body/Machine (Alison Adam) and discussion
1 - 2.15 Lunch
2.15 - 3.45 Title TBA (Quassim Cassam) and discussion
3.45 - 4.15 Refreshment break
4.15 - 5.45 Samuel Todes on the Philosophy of Body (Hubert Dreyfus) and
5.45 - 6.30 Reception (sponsored by Blackwell Publishers)
Conference Organiser