Disability as a complete form of existence. Research seminar on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Centre for Adapted Physical Activity Participation Studies (CAPAPS). University of Southern Denmark. (2-3 December 2011).
Complications in the ‘warmth and intimacy’ of bodily self-consciousness. The complex self: reflections on interdisciplinarity. Center for Subjectivity Research. University of Copenhagen (30 Nov – 2 December 2011).
Time in action. Conference on Time and Agency. George Washington University (18-19 November 2011).
The 'warmth and intimacy' of bodily self-consciousness: Problems with James's solution. Conference: Bodies in Action and Symbolic Forms. Two Sides of the Embodiment Theory. Collegium for the Advanced Study of Picture Act and Embodiment, Humboldt University, Berlin ) 4-6 November 2011)
Direct Perception and Other Minds, SPEP. Sheraton Society Hill in Philadelphia (19-22 October 2011)
An education in narratives. The International Institute for Hermeneutics. SPEP Conference, Philadelphia (19 October 2011).
Increased dimensional somatization is related to an increased color-word stroop effect. With Ragsdale, K., Bedwell, J.S., Allen, M. and Fiore, S. Poster for the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology. Boston (September 2011)
Lectures on body, action and intersubjectivity. Health Sciences and Neurological Physiotherapy. University of Tromsø (12-14 September 2011)
Enactively extended intentionality. Conference: The Future of the Embodied Mind. eSMCs Extending Sensorimotor Contingencies to Cognition Project. San Sebastian, Spain (5-9 September 2011).
Embodied intentionality for the extended mind. Summer School: Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind. University of Copenhagen (12 August 2010)
Why the body is not in the brain. International summer school on cross-cultural neuroscience. University of Cologne (18 July 2011).
The social self: internal structures and external scaffolds. Summer school: On the architecture of the social mind: Self, other and interaction in cultural contexts. Köln, Germany (16-23 July 2011).
Embodiment and phenomenal qualities: An enactive interpretation. Inaugural meeting: The center for mind, brain and cognitive evolution. University of Bochum (14 July 2011).
Introduction to the practical side of social cognition. . Summer School: Embodied and Narrative Practices: Clinical and Practical Applications. University of Hertfordshire (11-12 July 2011).
An education in narratives. Workshop on virtues and expertise. University of Hertfordshire (9-10 July 2011).
Empathie, cognition sociale et phénoménologie. Conference on Empathy. Cerisy la Salle. Normandy, France. (19-25 June 2011).
'False-belief' experiments with young infants and situated interaction. Conference on Situated Social Cognition. University of Leiden (17 June 2011).
Visiting Researcher, Center for Semiotics. Aarhus University/University of Copenhagen. (May 2011)
Trusting the subject. Conference on Phenomenology and Qualitative Research. University of Southern Denmark. (26-27 May 2011).
Heidegger and social cognition - a critique. Inaugural lecture as Honorary Professor of Philosophy. MEF & Center for Subjectivity Research. University of Copenhagen (19 May 2011).
Trusting the selves in schizophrenia. Conference on Schizophrenia and Self-Consciousness. Center for Integrative Life Sciences. Humboldt-Universität. Berlin (14-15 May 2011).
Empathy, simulation and narrative. Conference: Empathy, Simulation, and Narrative. Center for Semiotics. Aarhus University. (13 May 2011).
Masterclass on Critical Theory and Social Cognition. Center for Semiotics Masterclass . Aarhus University (9-10 May 2011).
Social interaction and the socially extended mind. Seminar on Wild Cognition: Embedded, extended, enactive and distributed. Center for Semiotics, Aarhus University (4 May 2011).
Masterclass on Action and Interaction. Center for Semiotics Masterclass. Aarhus University (2-3 May 2011).
Perspectives on the self. A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Linking Belief to Behavior. New York Academy of Sciences, NYC (28 April 2011). VIDEO.
Phenomenal qualities and enactive perception. Conference on Perception and Phenomenal Qualities. University of Hertfordshire. (15-17 April 2011).
The socially extended mind and critical theory. Philosophy Colloquium, Cardiff University, Wales (13 April 2011).
Some qualifications on the ‘warmth and intimacy’ of bodily self-consciousness. Public seminar: Meaning and Mindedness. Travistock Clinic, University of London (25 March 2011).
Research in progress: Enactive and extended cognition in social and cultural institutional contexts. University of Hertfordshire (24 March 2011).
The socially extended mind. Keynote lecture. Conference: The Socially Extended Mind. Free University of Berlin (21-22 March 2011).
Enactive and extended cognition in social and cultural institutional contexts. TESIS Initial Meeting. Marie Curie Network. Heidelberg University (17-18 March 2011).
The socially extended mind. Institut des sciences cognitives. Université du Québec à Montréal. (18 February 2011).
Dissociation in self-narrative and the narratives of schizophrenics. A quoi ca ressemble d'etre schizophrene / What is is like to be schizophrenic. Centre d’Epistémologie des Sciences Cognitive. ENS. Lyon (13-15 December 2010).
Strong interaction and the question of autonomy. Conference: The Second Person Perspective - Philosophical, Developmental and Neurobiological Approaches, Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Berlin, Germany (9-11 December 2010).
Enactive intentionality. Colloquium. Sussex University (7 December 2010).
Interaction and self-agency. Aisthetik der Geister Workshop. Zurich (12-14 November 2010).
Interpretations of embodiment in recent research. New Paradigms in Psychology. Institute of Psychology, University of Innsbruck, Austria (11 November 2010).
Free will and the sense of agency. National Yang Ming University. Taipei, Taiwan. (October 2010)
Enactive intentionality. Self-Consciousness and Perception. National Taiwan University and the National Science Council. Taipei (25-26 October 2010).
Strong interaction and the concept of dialogical autonomy. Keynote address. Sixth International Conference on the Dialogical Self, Athens (29 September-3 October 2010)
Empathy, simulation and narrative. Cognitive Science Colloquium. University of Memphis (September 2010).
How sub-personal can interpersonal understanding be? Levels of Processing: Foundations of Social Cognition. Bonn, Germany (16-18 September 2010).
Dissociation in self-narrative. Concluding AHRC conference. Emotions and Feelings in Psychiatric Illness. University of Durham, UK (8-11 September 2010)
Of two minds: A reason and a passion for the ego. The Cartesian “Myth of the Ego” and the Analytic/Continental Divide Workshop, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands (3-4 September 2010).
Self-agency and interaction. Keynote lecture. International conference on Intersubjectivity and the Self. Marie Curie DISCOS Project. Budapest (17-19 June 2010).
Delusions: Beliefs or multiple realities. Psychanalyse et phenomenologie. Le Laboratoire CRPM. Universite de Lille. (8 June 2010).
Representations in action. A debate with Mark Rowlands. CREA, Paris (7 June 2010)
Delusions: Beliefs or multiple realities. VIème Journee de phenomenology psychiatrique de Nice. Nice, France. (4 June 2010)
Interaction and intersubjectivity: Answering some critics. Invited lecture, Facoltà di Filosofia Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano, Italy (31 May 2010)
Re-thinking the mind: Several problems generated by belief-desire psychology. Séminaire d'epistémologie des sciences cognitives, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon (15 April 2010)
Acting and action. International Conference. University of Central Lancashire. Preston, UK (April 28th - May 2nd 2010) Parsons.
Belief, emotion, and delusional realities. The Roles of Emotion in Psychiatric Illness, Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK), Durham University (24-26 March 2010)
Critical theory, phenomenology and neuroscience. Invited public lecture. Interdoctorate seminar on Methodology in Human Sciences. University of Bologna (11 March 2010).
Lectures on action and interaction. Three-day seminar. Semiotics program. University of Bologna (7-12 March 2010).
The body’s architecture. Keynote address. Third International conference on Arakawa and Gins: Philosophy and Architecture. Griffith University Research Centre. On the web. (March 2010)
Social perception: Enaction or simulation? Philosophy Colloquium. Union College (4 March 2010)
Enactive phenomenology and the primal impression in Husserl's account of time-consciousness. Philosophy Department Colloquium. University of Memphis. (26 February 2010).
Phenomenology, neural simulation, and the enactive approach to intersubjectivity. Phenomenology, Cognition, and Neuroscience. Silverman Center Symposium. Duquesne University (18-20 February 2010)
Self, ownership and agency. Mind, Brain and Behavior Initiative Seminar. Harvard University (8 February 2010).
Joint attention: theory or interaction. Symposium on Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Mind. Mexican Philosophical Association Conference. Mexico City (26-29 January 2010).
Interaction and social cognition. Inaugural Lecture, Master of Cognitive Science Program University of Cuernavaca, Mexico (25 January 2010)
Phenomenology and critical neuroscience. Phenomenology in the cognitive sciences. Center for Subjectivity Research. Copenhagen (14-16 January 2010).
Narrative distance and the landscape of action in deceptive self-narratives. Workshop on Narrative and the Self. Macquarie University, Sidney, Australia (12 December 2009).
Engaged justice: The extended mind and social institutions. Embodied Virtues and Expertise. The University of Wollongong, Australia (9-10 December 2009).
Coordination and co-constitution in joint attention. Colloquium. Husserl Archives, Paris (16 November 2009)
A phenomenological critique of Frith’s cognitive neuroscientific account of though insertion. Philosophy of Mind Seminar. Ecole Normale Supériure, Lyon (12 November 2009)
Aesthetics and kinaesthetics. Seeing and Acting. Collegium for Advanced Study of Picture Act and Embodiment. Humboldt University, Berlin (5-7 November 2009).
Interaction and social perception. Colloquium. Institut Jean Nicod, Paris (23 October 2009)
The overextended mind: Hegel’s relevance to recent work on distributed cognition. Public Lecture. CREA, Paris (13 October 2009)
Phenomenological Research in the Cognitive Sciences: Interdisciplinary Methods for Interdisciplinary Sciences (co-author with D. Francesconi). 10th Conference on Advances in Qualitative Methods. Vancouver, British Columbia (8-10 October 2009)
Lectures on body, action and intersubjectivity. Health Sciences and Neurological Physiotherapy. University of Tromsø (6-7 October 2009)
Overextended minds: social and institutional cognition. CNCC Final Meeting. University of Edinburgh. (3-6 October 2009)
Coordination and the outcomes of joint attention. Joint Attention: Developments in Philosophy of Mind, Developmental and Comparative Psychology, and Cognitive Science. Bentley University, Boston (1-4 October 2009)
Social interaction in the phenomenology of agency. Conference: The social construction of the self. Alghero, Sardinia (28-29 September 2009).
Primary intersubjectivity. The Social Self. Summer School. Alghero, Sardinia (24-27 September)
Misattribution: Agency in thought and action. Workshop with Shaun Gallagher. Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Berlin (16 July 2009)
Affective disruption and delusional experience. Habitus in Habitat I – Emotion and Motion. Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL) Berlin (9-12 July 2009).
Illness as a complete form of existence. Keynote lecture. UK Association for Medical Humanities. Durham University. (7 July 2009).
Two interpretations of primary intersubjectivity. Action, Perception and the Brain. Georgetown University. (29 June 2009)
Free will, intentions, and the sense of agency. Invited Plenary Session. Mind and Life Summer Research Institute. Garrison, NY (7-13 June 2009)
Action and interaction. LECA-Symposium, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences. Leipzig, Germany (8 May 2009)
The enactive hand. Conference: The Hand - An Organ of the Mind. Interuniversity Centre Dubrovnik, Croatia (1-3 May 2009).
Embodiment and intersubjectivity. Attention, Memory, and the Study of the Mind: A Synergy of Psychological Neuroscience, and Contemplative Perspectives. Mind and Life XIX, Conference with the Dalai Lama (5-10 April 2009).
Intersubjective aspects of body schema and body image. Body schema and the subjectivity of the body. Université de Genève. Geneva (12-13 March 2008)
Embodied interaction: Two problems of intersubjectivity. Keynote lecture. Graduate Student Conference, University of South Florida (27-29 February 2009)
Review panel. European Platform for Life Sciences, Mind Sciences, and the Humanities, Osnabrück Universität (18-20. February 2009)
Two problems of intersubjectivity. Philosophy colloquium. McGill University. (13 February 2009)
Multiple realities and delusions. Colloquium, Group on literary theory, embodied cognition and the brain. Yale University (12 February 2009)
Scanning the lifeworld: Phenomenology, critical theory, and the possibility of a critical neuroscience. Critical Neuroscience. Challenging Reductionism in Psychiatry and Social Neuroscience, UCLA (28-30 January 2009).
Embodiment and intersubjectivity. Mind and Life Institute. Preliminary meeting. San Francisco (23-25 January 2009)
Shared circuits or circuitous sharing: Susan Hurley’s concept of shared cognition. Memorial Symposium for Susan Hurley (with Ned Block, Alva Noe, Sean Kelly, and Jose Bermudez) APA Eastern Division Meeting, Philadelphia (December 2008).
Somaesthetics and care of the body. Body consciousness and somaesthetics. Society for the Philosophy of Creativity. APA Eastern Division Meeting, Philadelphia (December 2008).
Embodied immersion and interaction. Workshop: The Emotional Aspects of Embodied Reasoning. Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (Centre for Literary and Cultural Studies). Berlin. (11 December 2008)
Gesture and narrative in social cognition. Public lecture. Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (Centre for Literary and Cultural Studies). Berlin. (10 December 2008)
Intersubjectivity and communicative practice: Can cognitive science contribute to critical theory? Seminar on critical neuroscience. Osnabrück University, Germany (5 December 2008).
Philosophical autism in recent accounts of perception and action. Philosophy of Cognitive Science Colloquium. Osnabrück University (4 December 2008).
Intercorporality and intersubjectivity: Merleau-Ponty and the critique of theory of mind. Japanese Society for Phenomenology and the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science Tokyo, Japan(22-23 November 2008).
Neuroscience, free will and moral responsibility. Department of History and Philosophy of Science. University of Tokyo. (20 November 2008)
Intentionality and social kinaesthesia. Workshop on intentionality, the body, and the sensorimotor cortex. Birkbeck College, University of London, and the Anna Freud Center (8 November 2008)
A gestural model of social kinaesthesia. Conference on Self and Other. Alghero, Sardinia (26-29 October 2008).
Selves and others: Intersubjectivity on the minimal and narrative scales. BASIC conference. St. Louis. (23-25 October 2008)
Neurons, neonates, and narratives: From embodied resonance to empathic understanding. Varieties of Empathy in Science, Art and Culture. University of British Columbia, Vancouver (10-12 October 2008).Looking for action. Philosophy Lecture, Simon Frasier University. Vancouver (9 October 2008)
Social kinaesthesia. International Conference on Kinaesthesia and Motion. Tampere Finland (2-4 October 2008)
Social cognition in Merleau-Ponty and cognitive science. Fifth Central and Eastern European Conference on Phenomenology. Prague (28 September – 2 October 2008)
Gesture and narrative in social cognition. Center for Theoretical Studies. Charles University. Prague (25 September 2008)
The enactive aspects of shared intentions. Enactive approaches to social cognition. University of Sussex (30-31 August- 1, September 2008)
Narrative and empathy. American Psychological Association, Boston (15 August 2008)
Interaction theory and the science of social cognition. ESF Collegium and Summer School: Social cognition and social narrative. San Marino University (7-14 July 2008).
Philosophical autism and associated problems. Keynote lecture. Postgraduate Conference on Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind. Durham University (1-2 July 2008)
Sensorimotor and metacognitive contributories to the sense of agency. Sense of Agency: from sensorimotor processing to meta-representation. CNCC Workshop, University of Edinburgh (28-30 June 2008)
The shadow of the transcendental: Merleau-Ponty and cognitive science. Keynote lecture. Interdisciplinary conference on Philosophy of Psychology, Neuroscience and Biology. University of Edinburgh (27 June 2008).
Phronesis, self and intersubjectivity. Workshop: The Varieties of Moral Experience: A Phenomenological Investigation. Durham University (24-26 June 2008)
The impact of neural, psychological, and social factors on the responsible assignment of moral responsibility for action. International Symposium on the Foundations of Social Behavior. University of Zurich. (18-21 June 2008) http://www.socialbehavior.unizh.ch/index.html
Hermeneutics, narrative, and the interpretation of others. Mind and Culture group. Rutgers University (30 April 2008)
Seeing other minds: An alternative to mindreading. Vision Lab Lecture. Harvard University (22 April 2008).
Self and the sense of ownership for body and action. Mind, Brain and Behavior Initiative Seminar. Harvard University (21 April 2008).
Reading room. An art installation based on concepts from embodied cognition and the architecture of Arakawa and Gins. Slought Foundation Gallery http://www.slought.org/content/11386/. In conjunction with the Reversible Destiny: Architecture and Philosophy Conference. University of Pennsylvania (4-6 April 2008).
Conscious intention, agency and free will. British Psychological Society Symposium, BPS Annual conference. Dublin (4 April 2008).
Trouble in the specious present. European Platform for Life Sciences, Mind Sciences, and the Humanities Volkswagen Foundation Workshop on Time-Consciousness. University of Edinburgh (1-3 April 2008)
Gestures in social cognition. Keynote lecture. Conference on Body Language. Faculty of Humanities, Tilburg University, The Netherlands (13-14 March 2008)
Direct perception in social cognition. Philosophy colloquium. University of Hertfordshire (5 February 2008)
Non-representationalism in action. Life and Mind Seminar. University of Sussex (4 February 2008).
Brain, body, and beyond. Subjectivity and the body: Espra2 Conference. University of Copenhagen. (29 January-1 February 2008)
The Chinese room, the brain vat, and the body. DISCOS Madam Curie Research Group. University of Heidelberg (8-10 November).
Are minimal representations representations? University of Skövde, Sweden (9 October 2007)
The key to the Chinese room. Backgrounding: From the Body of Knowledge to the Knowing Body. Interuniversity Centre Dubrovnik, Croatia: (5-7 October 2007).
Comments on Nichols. Agency and Responsibility: Perspectives from Metaphysics, Ethics, and the Emerging Sciences of Brain and Behavior. Department of Philosophy, Indiana University. 13-15 September 2007
Neural and extra-neural contributions to consciousness. Plenary session. Symposium on Consciousness, 2nd Annual EPFL Life Sciences Symposium. Brain-Mind Institute, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne (29-31 August 2007).
Pre-narrative and narrative practices in understanding others. Narrative Alternatives to Theories of Mind, University of Hertfordshire (12-15 July 2007)
Representation in deed, indeed! Embodied and extended mind workshop. University of Hull, England (9-10 July 2007)
Agency, body schema, and intentionality. INSERM Laboratoire Espace et action. Lyon (14 June 2007)
Embodiment and the consciousness of agency. Second Cargèse Summer School on Consciousness, Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques of Cargèse, ENS-LSH. Corsica. 11 June 2007.
Phenomenological and experimental studies of the experience of agency. Graduate student conference. University College Dublin (8-9 June 2007)
Roundtable: Philosophie et hallucinations. Maison de la recherché. Université de Paris – Sorbonne (31 May 2007)
Representation in action. The Body and its Representation. Ecole Normale Supériure, Lyon (21-22 May 2007)
Adding an inderstanding of teams to better understand social neuroscience (with S. Fiore). First BASIC Workshop: Subjectivity, Intersubjectivity and Self-representation. Comwell Borupgaard, Denmark (May 2007).
Pathologies of the lived body. Minding the Body: Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Inaugural Conference, Center for Body, Mind and Culture. Florida Atlantic University. (29-30 March 2007).
Body, Agency, and Intersubjectivity. The Rudolf Carnap Lectures 2007. Embodied subjectivity and self agency; Multiple aspects of agency: phenomenology and neuroimaging; Understanding others in action and narrative; Embodiment and understanding other agents: Neural resonance and simulation theory; Embodiment, intersubjectivity, and moral personhood. Philosophisches Seminar. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany (12-14 March 2007)
Perception, simulation and the actions of others. Social cognition, emotions, and self-consciousness. Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (Center for Advanced Studies). Delmenhorst, Germany (8-10 March 2007)
Cognition and interaction in autism. Cognitive Science and Philosophy. University of Siena (Italy). (5 March 2007)
Simulation theory and social cognition. Cognitive Science. University of Delaware. 16 February 2007.
Taking intersubjectivity seriously. Human Existence, Purpose, and Intentionality. Center for the Study of Learning, The George Washington University. Santiago, Chile (7-8 January 2007)
Social robots and social cognition. Embodied and Situated Cognition: From Phenomenology to Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence. Polish Society of Cognitive Science. Poland (16-18 November 2006)
Experiments on the phenomenology of agency. Cognitive Science Lecture, Instytut Filozofii. University of Poznan, Poland (14-15 November 2006).
Esquizofrenia: una visión neurofenomenológica. Plenary. National Conference of the Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Medellín, Colombia (4 November 2006)
Esquema corporal e imagen corporal en deaferenciación propioceptiva & Comprensión de los otros en la narrativa y en la acción. A two-part symposium. National Conference of the Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Medellín, Colombia (3 November 2006)
How the body shapes the mind. Philosophy Department Colloquium, Universidad Nacional, Bogotá, Colombia (2 November 2006).
Consciousness: Definitions and descriptions: The importance of non-reflective self-awareness. The Origin of Consciousness: Perspectives from Neuroscience. A debate between Christopher Frith and Christof Koch. University of San Marino, Center for Semiotics and Cognitive Studies, San Marino (October 27-29, 2006)
Schizophrenia and experiments with the sense of self-agency. Invited lecture. Maudsley Philosophy Group, Institute of Psychiatry, London (25 October 2006)
From the minimal self to the narrative other. Plenary talk. 10th Annual Conference of the Consciousness and Experiential Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society. St Anne's College, Oxford (September 15-17, 2006)
Moral personhood and primitive self-consciousness. Conference: Embodiment and personhood. University of Jyväskylä, Finland (14 September 2006) – a one-day conference on my book How the Body Shapes the Mind.
Phenomenology and embodied cognitive science. Invited lecture series: Self and agency; Understanding others in action and narrative; Moral personhood and phronesis. University of Jyväskylä, Finland (11-14 September 2006).
Multiple aspects of agency: Phenomenology and experiments. Situated Cognition: Perspectives from Phenomenology and Science. Durham University, UK. (18- 20 August 2006)
Social cognition and social robots. Exploratory Workshop on Cognitive Robotics, Intelligence and Control (CogRIC) Windsor, UK (August 16-18, 2006)
The success and failure of narrative. Keynote lecture. Language, Culture, and Mind Conference. Paris (17-20 July 2006).
Body ownership and self-agency. Embodied Mind Workshop, Cardiff University (13-14 July 2006)
Perception, action and context: Understanding others without simulation. Conference on the Extended Mind. The University of Hertfordshire (10-12 July 2006)
Experience and interpretation: Concepts of agency in explanations of psychopathologies. Plenary talk. International Conference on Philosophy, Psychiatry, and the Neurosciences. Leiden University, The Netherlands (26 June – 1 July 2006)
The educational backdrop of phronesis. Phenomenological approaches to Moral Philosophy and Education. With Hubert Dreyfus and Sean Kelly. Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, University of Oslo (June 6-8, 2006).
Embodiment in multiple realities. Conference on “Presence.” Media and Film Science, University of Cophenhagen (6 June 2006).
Simulation theory and the perception of others in action. Colloquium. Center for Subjectivity Research (30 May 2006).
Self-agency and mental causality. Conference: Philosophical issues in psychiatry: Natural kinds, mental taxonomy and the nature of reality. University of Copenhagen (25-26 May 2006).
Incomplete accounts of schizophrenia and autism. Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Hospital of the Asociación Medicos de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia (23 April 2006).
The Experience and Attribution of Agency: Schizophrenia, Neuroscience, Phenomenology. Symposium on Philosophy and Psychiatry. Philosophy of Mind and Psychiatry Group, La Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Universidad de Bogotá. Colombia. (22 April 2006).
Understanding others in action. Plenary talk. First Congreso Colombiano de Filosophía. Universidad de Bogotá. Colombia. (22 April 2006).
Moral significance and self-consciousness. First-Person Study of Consciousness: Shared Foundations and Moral Dimensions. Center for Creative Inquiry. San Francisco (31 March – 2 April 2006).
Debunking epiphenomenalism: Why evidence for pre-conscious motor control is not evidence against free will. Interdisciplinary humanities colloquium. Florida Atlantic University. (20-21 March 2006)
Narrative and theory of mind. Keynote talk. Ninth Annual Northeast Florida Student Philosophy Conference. University of North Florida (11-12 March 2006)
Simulation and motor resonance. Seminar. Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Perception et de l'Action. Collège de France (February 2006).
Phenomenology, cognitive science, and their mutual transformations. Human Existence, Purpose, and Intentionality. Center for the Study of Learning at The George Washington University. Santiago, Chile (2-7 January 2006)
Phenomenology and simulation theory. Philosophy Colloquium, University College, Cork, Ireland (October 2005).
Forms of empathy: From animal intercorporality to human narrative. Invited key note speaker: The Child and the Animal. 30th International Meeting: The Merleau-Ponty Circle. University of Oregon (October 2005).
Three arguments against simulation theory. Philosophy Colloquium, University of Florida (September 2005)
Experimenting with phenomenology. The scientific use of subjective reports. Danish Graduate School of Psychology. Aarhus (August 2005).
Neurophilosophy and neurophenomenology. Invited plenary speaker. Towards a Science of Consciousness: Methodology and Definitions. Copenhagen (August 2005).
Temporality and gesture. Workshop on conversational gestures and schizophrenia. Institute Jean Nicod, Paris (21 June 2005).
Time, agency, and gesture in schizophrenia. Panel on Body, affect, and time in language: A neurophenomenological approach to psychotic and other non-aphasic language disorders. Conference on Interacting Bodies - Corps en interaction. International Society of Gesture Studies (ISGS). Lyon, France (June 15-18 2005)
Visiting Professor, Danish National Research Foundation Center for Subjectivity Research, organized in collaboration with the Research Priority Area: Mind and Body at the University of Copenhagen (May-June 2005)
Affectivity, intersubjectivity and object perception. Colloquium: Center for Subjectivity Research (June 2005).
Intentionality and intentional action. Intentionality: World and Mind: New Perspectives on the Internalism-Externalism Debate. Center for Subjectivity Research. University of Copenhagen (May 2005)
Expertise, phronesis, and the self. Colloquium: Center for Subjectivity Research (May 2005).
Against simulation. Workshop with Marc Jeannerod , Jean-Michel Roy, and Roberto Poli. CPER Research program: Representationalism and the foundations of cognitive science: new problems, new perspectives. Ecole Normale Supériure, Lyon (May 2005).
Finding the whole among missing parts: A mereology of the body schema Philosophical Anthropology Reviewed and Renewed: History, Evidence, Synthesis, and Normative Implications. University of Notre Dame (May 6-10, 2005).
From neurons to narrative: An interdisciplinary approach to intersubjectivity. Beyond dichotomies, across the boundaries: Interdisciplinary investigations of dynamic interactions in biological and social sciences. University of Minneapolis (April 2005)
Representation and expertise. Seminar on Representation, CREA, Paris (April 2005).
Elementary understanding and empathy: From neurons to narrative. Systmes résonnants, empathie, intersubjectivité. Collège de France - Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Perception et de l'Action, and Ecole Normale Supérieure - Département des Etudes Cognitives Collège de France - Ecole Normale Supérieure. Paris (March 05) [pdf].
Objects and intersubjectivity: Can we understand the first without the second? American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting, San Francisco (March 2005).
Intersubjectivity in the theory of mind: Contrasting perspectives in cognitive science and phenomenology. Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Lecture Series, University of Kentucky (March 2005).
Phenomenology and the theory of mind debate. Philosophy Department Colloquium. University of Oregon (February 2005)
Before you know it: The role of consciousness in free action. Philosophy Department Colloquium. Bryn Mawr College (January 2005)
Empathy and primary understanding. Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. Memphis (October 2004)
Towards a neurophenomenological account of autism. From Autopoiesis to Phenomenology: A Tribute to Francisco Varela. Amphi Richelieu at the University Paris-Sorbonne (June 2004)
The framework of egocentric space. The Embodied Mind. Conference and PhD course organized by the Danish National Research Foundation: Center for Subjectivity Research in collaboration with The Graduate School of Neuroscience and the Association for Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, Copenhagen (June 2004)
Metaphysics and methodology: from neurophilosophy to neurophenomenology. Methodological Issues in the Study of Consciousness. The Nordic Network for Consciousness Studies, Aarhus University (May 2004). Does the consciousness of free will matter? Danish Society for Philosophy and Psychology Symposium (78th Annual Meeting: Consciosuness: Empirical Findings and Philosophical Interpretations). University of Copenhagen (May 2004).
Visiting Professor, Danish National Research Foundation Center for Subjectivity Research, organized in collaboration with the Research Priority Area: Mind and Body at the University of Copenhagen, (Spring 2004)
"Mutual interpretations: Hermeneutics and the science of mind." Department for Cultural Studies and the Arts, University of Copenhagen (March 10, 2004)
Agency, delusions of control, and thought insertion. Neurobiology Research Unit, Rigs Hospital, Copenhagen (March 9, 2004).
'Yes and no': The right and wrong answers to the Molyneux problem. Public lecture. Research project on mind and body. University of Copenhagen (February 19, 2004).
Free will and conscious decision. Colloquium, Danish National Research Foundation Center for Subjectivity Research, Copenhagen (February 17, 2004)
"Merleau-Ponty and the theory of mind debate." Keynote Lecture, Conference on Merleau-Ponty. University of Guelph (November 2003)
"Phenomenological contributions to a theory of social cognition," Institute of Psychology Colloquium, University of Aarhus (October 2003).
"Central coherence and the phenomenology of intersubjectivity in autism." Danish National Research Foundation Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen (October, 2003).
"The self: Bottom-up and top-down," Invited presentation, Tempelton Conference on The Self Inside-Out/Le Soi dan tous ses Žtats. Montreal (September 2003).
"Bodies in context: From primary to secondary intersubjectivity," PCS Conference on Intersubjectivity and Embodiment: Perspectives from Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. Louvain, Belgium (September 2003)
"Phenomenological and neurological insights into agency in schizophrenia," Invited Plenary Session, Constructivism, Phenomenology and Brain Imaging, International Congress on Constructivism and Psychotherapy. Bari, Italy (June 2003).
"Two modes of self-awareness: sense of agency and sense of ownership." Graduate seminar on Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Self-consciousness, Graduate School of Neuroscience, University of Copenhagen Medical School (May 2003)
Phenomenological interventions in the neuro-cognitive sciences. The Hebdomades Lectures, Philosophy Department, Univerzita PalackŽho v Olomouci, Czech Republic (May 12-15, 2003).
"Neurophilosophy and neurophenomenology," Invited Seminar, Approches du phŽnomne de la prise de conscience. Collge International de Philosophie, Maison Heinrich Heine, CitŽ Universitaire, Paris (April 2003)
"Dynamic models of body schematic processes." Invited paper. Conference on Body Image and Body Schema. University of Gent, Belgium (March 2003).
"Does simulation add up to empathy?" Conference: Interdisciplinary approaches to subjectivity: Prospects and perils. Center for Subjectivity, University of Copenhagen (December, 2002).
"The importance of embodied experience as a response to paralogical anxiety: Remarks on Watson's diagnosis," Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Chicago (October 2002)
"Theory of mind and the primacy of interaction," Conference: Gurwitsch's Relevance for Cognitive Science, Florida Atlantic University (October 2002)
"Simulation, Imagination, and Empathy," Symposium on movement, action and consciousness: toward a physiology of intentionality. In honor of Marc Jeannerod. Institut des sciences cognitives, Lyon (September 2002)
"Self-agency and self-ownership," European Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Lyon, France (July 2002)
"Movement and expression in the development of social cognition," presented at the Jean Piaget Society, Philadelphia (June 2002)
"IW and evolution," co-author with David McNeill and Jonathan Cole. Workshop on Evolution and Cognition, University of Chicago (May 2002)
"Neonate imitation as expressive movement," Graduate Seminar on Imitation (Woodward and Bertenthal). Department of Psychology, University of Chicago (April 2002)
"Passions, Actions, the Self, and Others," Colloquium with Jaak Panksepp and Robert Van Gulick. The Fourth Rutgers Symposium on Self and Social Identity. Rutgers University. (April 2002).
"Self-knowledge and the Self." Chair: Symposium with Owen Flanagan, Ronald DeSousa, and David Jopling. Central Division Meeting, American Philosophical Association, Chicago (April 2002 - Symposium cancelled).
"Redrawing the map: Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences," Symposium paper. Pacific Division Meeting, American Philosophical Association, Seattle (March 2002).
"Pathologies of self and identity," Invited Seminar, Cognition and Mind. Graduate School of Neuroscience, University of Copenhagen Medical School (February, 2002)
"Cognitive mechanisms and the phenomenology of schizophrenia," Invited Seminar, Department of Psychiatry, University of Copenhagen (February, 2002)
"Expressive movement," Invited Lecture. Department of Comparative Literature, University of Copenhagen (February, 2002)
"Phenomenology and experimental design: Four approaches," Invited Lecture. Brain and Cognition Seminar. Sponsored by the MR Research Centre, the Department of Ethnography and Social Anthropology, the Department of Computer Science, the Department of Linguistics, the Center for Semiotics, and the Department of Psychology, University of Aarhus, and the PET Centre - Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark (February 2002).
"Theory of mind, practice of body," Cross-disciplinary symposium: Practice of Body and Sport, Center for Idr¾t, University of Aarhus, Denmark (February 2002).
"Neo-Aristotelian Neurobiology," Invited round table discussion: Le phŽnomne de la vie: l'inscription du vivant dans une philosophie de la nature, Collge International de Philosophie, JournŽe d'Žtude en hommage à Francisco Varela: La nature de l'esprit: ˆ la croisŽe de la philosophie phŽnomŽnologique, de la neurobiologie et des traditions spirituelles. Paris (October 2001).
"First-person access to second-person intentionality," The Danish Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Colloquium on Intentionality and Experience. Copenhagen (June 2001).
"Embodied and disembodied expression," Invited lecture, Philosophy and Moral Science Department, Universiteit Gent, Belgium (June 2001)
"The Language-Thought-Hand System ," co-author with J. Cole and D. McNeill, submitted: Colloque international: OralitŽ et gestualitŽ (ORAGE 2001), Aix-en-Provence, France (June 2001).
"Primary Intersubjectivity and the Practice of Mind," Invited paper, British Society for Phenomenology, Oxford (April 2001)
"Gestures with and without proprioception," Invited lecture, Institut des sciences cognitives. Lyon, France (April 2001)
"The narrative self in schizophrenia," Invited lecture, Psychology Program, Richmond College, London (April 2001)
"Primary Intersubjectivity," Philosophy Colloquium, York University, Toronto (February 2001)
"Phenomenological and experimental research on embodied experience," Invited Seminar, Phénoménologie et Cognition Research Group, at Centre de Recherche en Epistémologie Appliquée (CREA), Ecole Polytechnique, Paris (December 2000)
"Neurons and Neonates: Answers to the Molyneux Question." Philosophy colloquium. Trinity College, Dublin (November 2000)
"Perceptual and non-perceptual awareness of the body." Philosophy colloquium. University College, Dublin (November 2000)
"Self-reference and psychopathology," Invited Colloquium. Department of Philosophy, National University of Ireland, Galway (November 2000)
"Movement, thinking and self-awareness in schizophrenia," Gulbenkian Symposium on Science and Consciousness, Invited participant, Instituto Gulbenkian de Cincia, Lisbon, Portugal (July 2000)
"Unity and disunity in bodily awareness: Phenomenology and neuroscience," with Jonathan Cole (Southampton) and Natalie Depraz (Paris), Conference Workshop, Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Fourth Annual Conference, Brussels (June 2000)
"Non-perceptual self-awareness," Phenomenological and Experimental Approaches to Cognition, CREA, Paris (June 2000).
"Motor and Communicative Theories of Gesture," Invited Lecture. Center for the Study of Semiotics, University of Aarhus, Denmark (September 1999).
"Embodied Learning," Invited Lecture. Institute of Philosophy, University of Aarhus, Denmark (September 1999)
"The Body in Gesture," Invited presentation, Fetzer Institute Conference on Human Consciousness: Integrating Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Kalamazoo, MI (September 1999).
"The Case of the Missing Schema," American Psychological Association, Boston (August 1999)
"Movement and Gestures in a Deafferentiated Subject," Merleau-Ponty Conference, NEWI, University of Wales (July 1999)
"Personal Identity and Schizophrenia: A Cognitive Model of Immunity to Error through Misidentification," 3rd Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, London, Ontario (June 1999).
"Self-reference and schizophrenia," Invited Lecture, Conference on Problems of the Self: Philosophical and Psychopathological Perspectives on Self-Experience, University of Copenhagen (May 1999).
"La conscience intime du temps, cognition, et schizophrénie," Invited seminar, Collège international de philosophie, Universitè Paris (15 April 1998).
"Neurons and Neonates: Answering Molyneux's Question to John Locke," Philosophy Colloquium, William Paterson University, New Jersey (March 1999).
"Gestures After Total Deafferentiation of the Bodily and Spatial Senses," co-author with Jonathan Cole & David McNeill, Colloque international: Oralité et gestualité: Communication multi-modale, interaction (ORAGE 98), Besancon, France (December 9-11, 1998).
"Time-Consciousness, Cognitive Explanation, and Schizophrenia," Invited Seminar, Joint Philosophy and Psychology Project on Consciousness and Self-Consciousness, sponsored by the British Academy, University of Warwick (October 1998).
"Emotion and Intersubjective Perception: A Speculative Account," Conference on Emotions, Qualia and Consciousness, Instituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Napoli/Ischia, Italy (October 1998).
"Body Schema, Neonate Imitation, and Loss of Proprioception," Invited Lecture, Psychology Department, NEWI, University of Wales (October 1998).
"Gestures in a Case of Total Deafferentiation," co-author with J. Cole, D. McNeill, S. D. Duncan, N. Furuyama, and K.-E. McCullough, Max Planck Institut for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Holland (June 1998).
"Isomorphism and explanation in cognitive science," Toward a Science of Consciousness: Third Conference, Tucson (April 1998)--Abstract
"The Molyneux Question and Some New Principles of Perception," Boston University Philosophy Colloquium (April 1998)
"Prenoetic and Ecological Roles for the Body in First-Person Identity," Conference on Persons, Charles University, Prague (August 1997).
"Two Theories of Critical Theory: Habermas and Foucault," Plenary Session: National Conference of Learned Societies (Canada), Canadian Society for Hermeneutics and Postmodern Thought, St. John's, Newfoundland (June 1997)
"Specters of Gadamer: A Response to Schmidt," American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting, Colloquium Paper Comment (April 1997).
"Intermodal Perception: Envisioning a New Answer to the Molyneux Problem with Considerations that Touch upon Merleau-Ponty," 21st Annual International Conference of the Merleau-Ponty Circle, University of Memphis (September 1996)
"The Onset of Consciousness," Toward a Science of Consciousness, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (April 1996); Abstract originally published: Times Educational Supplement, Tucson Conference Internet site, Cognitive Science and Psychology (3.11).
"First Perception: A New Solution to the Molyneux Problem," New York State Philosophical Association (Creighton Club), Skaneateles, New York (March 1996)
"Body Image, Body Schema, and Neonatal Imitation," Seminar: Centre for Applied Cognitive Science, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto (October 1995)
"The Moral Significance of Primitive Self-Consciousness," Conference on Persons, Oriel College, Oxford (August 1995)
"The Early Connection between Rhetoric and Hermeneutics: A Lost Sense of Education," International Society for the History of Rhetoric, University of Edinburgh, Scotland (July 1995)
"Newborn Imitation: Its Implications for the Development of Self-Perception and the Perception of Others," International Conference on Understanding the Social World, University of Huddersfield (July 1995)
"Hermeneutics and Scientific Rationality," Invited Session: Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Virginia (April 1995)
"A Key to the Chinese Room," Philosophy Department Colloquium, Canisius College (November 1994)
"The Status of the Body Schema: Its Implications for the Development of Self-Perception and the Perception of Others," Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Seattle (October 1994)
Invited Visiting Scientist, Medical Research Council: Cognitive and Brain Sciences Unit (formerly Applied Psychology Unit). Cambridge University (Spring 1994).
"Interpretation Theory in Educational Practice," Seminar: Institute for Educational Technology, Open University, Milton Keynes, England (16 June 1994)
"Empirical Verifications for the Distinction between Body Image and Body Schema," Seminar: Medical Research Council, Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (CBU: formerly, Applied Psychology Unit), Cambridge (1 June 1994)
"Evolution in the Flesh: Comments on Maxine Sheets-Johnstone's The Roots of Thinking ," Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, New Orleans (October 1993)
"Disrupting Seriality: Merleau-Ponty and Lyotard on PostHusserlian Temporality," Merleau-Ponty Circle Conference, Muhlenburg College (September 1993)
"Conversations in Postmodern Hermeneutics," Conference on Hermeneutics and Postmodernism, SUNY-Buffalo (March 1993)
"A Critique of Postconventional Universality," American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Meeting Colloquium Paper, Washington, DC (December 1992)
"Body Schema and Intentionality," Invited Paper: King's College Research Centre Workshop on Perception of Subjects and Objects, King's College, Cambridge University, England (September 1992)
"Conversations in Postmodern Hermeneutics," Invited Paper: Collegium Phaenomenologicum, Perugia, Italy (August 1992)
"Personal Identity: Hume-Husserl-Derrida," International Society for Philosophy and Literature, University of California, Berkeley (May 1992)
"Demythologizing the Specious Present," Invited Paper: Philosophy Colloquium, University of Toledo (January 1992)
"Some Particular Limitations on Postconventional Universality: Hegel and Habermas," Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Memphis State University (October 1991)
"The Theater of Personal Identity: From Hume to Derrida," Conference on Persons, Mansfield College, Oxford (September 1991)
"A Hermeneutical Retrieval of Plato's Concept of Paideia," Philosophische Hermeneutik und Griechische Philosophie, International Symposium at Heidelberg University (July 1991)
"The Place of Phronesis in Postmodern Hermeneutics," American Philosophical Association Colloquium Paper, Eastern Division Meeting, Boston, (December 1990)
"Lyotard, MacIntyre, and the University," Invited Paper: Matchette Lecture, Siena College, (November 1990)
"Husserl and the Specious Present," Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Villanova University (October 1990)
"The Hermeneutics of Ambiguity," Merleau-Ponty Circle, Penn State University (September 1990)
"The Historikerstreit and the Critique of Nationalism," International Society for the Study of European Ideas, Leuven, Belgium (September 1990)
"Husserl's Critique of Romantic Hermeneutics: A Comment on G. Overvold's 'Husserl's Hermeneutical Dilemma'," Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Duquesne University (October 1989)
"Heidegger on Plato's Conception of Paideia ," Heidegger Conference, University of Notre Dame (May 1989)
"Responsibility in Heidegger: A Comment on S. Watson's 'Heidegger and Sartre'," Sartre Society, Duquesne University (October 1988)
"Language and Imperfect Consensus: Merleau-Ponty's Contribution to the Habermas-Gadamer Debate," Merleau-Ponty Circle, Villanova University (September 1988)
"Hermeneutic Play and Self-Realization," International Society for Philosophy and Psychotherapy, University of Hawaii, Honolulu (January 1988)
"An Exploration of Hermeneutical Theories," English Faculty Seminar, Canisius College (November 1987) "Self-Evaluation and Student Evaluation," National Seminar on Successful College Teaching, Orlando (March 1987)
"Institutional Decadence and Hermeneutical Analysis," Merleau-Ponty Circle, Notre Dame University (September 1986)
"Contingency and the Limits of Phenomenology: A Response to Wachterhauser," Conference on Naturalism and Rationality, State University of New York - Buffalo (April 1986)
"Hegel's Economic Model," Society for Iberian and Latin American Thought, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (February 1985)
"A Phenomenological Clarification of the Concept of Body Schema," Merleau-Ponty Circle, Concordia University, Montreal (September 1984)
"Greek and Roman Connections in Hegel's Economics," ACPA Regional Conference, Buffalo (April 1984)
"Heidegger and Derridian Deconstruction," Faculty Seminar, Canisius College (October 1983)
"Hermeneutic Reflections on Hegel's Metaphysics," Faculty Seminar, Canisius College (October 1982)
"Political Solutions in Northern Ireland," Residence Life Lecture, Canisius College (October 1982)
"From Kant to Merleau-Ponty: Comments on Dillon's Paper," Merleau-Ponty Circle, Colgate University (October 1981)
"Embodiment and Sensation in Husserl's Phenomenology," Husserl Archives Colloquium, Leuven, Belgium (December 1979)
"Intentionality in Aquinas and Cartesian Philosophy," Bryn Mawr College Colloquium (December 1976)