Recent and Forthcoming Lectures and Conference Presentations (Lectures Pre-2017)
- Image corporelle et schéma corporel: concepts de base et recherches récentes sur l'aproprioception (Body image and body schema: Basic concepts and recent research on aproprioception). Conference on Body Image and Body Schema. Faculté de Médecine. University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France (16 November 2024). Zoom.
- Keynote: The pattern of losing oneself and finding oneself in aesthetic experience. Aesthetics and Human Flourishing. Third International Conference on Beauty and Change. Turin, Italy (17-19 October 2024)
- Action, music and empathy. Conference: Philosophy of Action and Philosophy of Music. State Academy of Art and Design, Stuttgart (17-19 October 2024)
- Two problems with cognitive affordances: Scope and scale. Re-Thinking Philosophy of Language, Mind and Science. Bochum. (11 October 2024)
- Changing your mind: AI and transparency. Bochum conference for Albert Newen. Bochum, Germany (10 October 2024)
- Trust and transparency in AI-guided psychotherapy. Emerging Philosophical Themes in Psychiatry and Mental Healthcare: Navigating the Era of Machine Learning and Generative AI. Online conference (2 October 2024)
- Keynote: The Fifth E: 4E cognition and education. Specialist Seminar on Embodied Education. University of Bolzano, Italy (26-28 September 2024).
- Writing Empathy into the Script: The aesthetics of narrative. Action in Perception 2024: Presence, Art, Making, Life. Helsinki (5-6 September 2024.
- Phenomenological approaches to schizophrenia. Summer School. International Center of Neuroscience and Ethics (CINET). Santander, Spain (3 September 2024)
- Disorders of affect, attention and selfhood as viewed from the perspectives of phenomenology, philosophy and cognitive neuroscience. Conference. International Center of Neuroscience and Ethics (CINET). Santander, Spain (1-3 September 2024)
- Being played by virtual reality. Round Table on Philosophy of games. The theories, the practices and their implications. Session organized by Alessandro Samsa. World Congress of Philosophy, Rome (5 August 2024).
- Is gesture more embodied than we thought? Gesture, Action, Language. Session organized by Giovanni Maddalena, Michela Bella and Guido Baggio. World Congress of Philosophy, Rome (3 August 2024).
- Lost in space: Sublime ex-placed self-experiences during space travel. The Emplaced Self. Roundtable organized by Laura Candiotto and Marcello Ghilardi. World Congress of Philosophy, Rome (3 August 2024).
- Aesthetic agency in beholding. Enactive Aesthetics. Roundtable organized by Carlos Vera Sánchez. World Congress of Philosophy, Rome (2 August 2024).
- The zero-intelligence agent: Artificial or animal? Humanimal Conference. Split, Croatia (July 2024).
- Keynote: Phenomenology of present-time consciousness and enactive cognitive science. Workshop on temporality. Artificial life conference. Copenhagen. By Zoom (23 July 2024).
- Conscious engagement with AI: Three forms of transparency. Uncovering the Magic of Consciousness. Philosophy, Neuroscience, AI. Siena, Italy (27-29 June 2024)
- Self-pattern and Buddhist psychology. International Society of Contemplative Research conference, Padova (19-23 June 2024)
- Two problems with cognitive affordances: Scope and scale. Workshop: Habits and Affordances, Roma Tre University (17-18 June 2024)
- Integration and causality in enactive approaches to psychiatry. NHS Workshop: Biopsychosocial care model in psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine - an update on concepts and implications for treatment.Derek Willoughby Lecture Theatre, Charterhouse Square Campus, Queen Mary University of London (5 June 2024)
- Keynote: 'Halting at the edge of action' in exceptional aesthetic experiences. Actions, Practices, and Aesthetic Performances. Italian Aesthetics Association. Venice (29-31 May 2024)
- Being played by virtual reality. Imagination and Virtual Reality. University of Antwerp (20-22 May 2024)
- Enactive hermeneutics, transparency and virtual reality in educational contexts. First Conference on Embodied Education. Aarhus University, Copenhagen (15-17 May 2024)
- Molyneux and motor plasticity. Workshop on plasticity. University of Montreal (9-10 May 2024)
- Self-diminishment experiences and predictive models. Predictive Self-Modelling and the Phenomenology of Psychosis, Universidad de Valparaíso and Institute of Complex Systems of Valparaíso (ISCV), Valparaíso, Chile (2-3 May 2023). Zoom.
- Affordances, institutions and the problem of scale. Cognitive Affordances: Theoretical Foundations and Developments, UNAM, Mexico City. Zoom. (24-26 April 2024). Zoom.
- Exceptional aesthetic experiences: Does unaffordability defy representation? The world as (re)presentation: From foundations to pathological experience. University of Paris-Cité and the Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (IHPST). (2 April 2024). Zoom.
- Trust and reliance in cryptocurrency cognitive institutions (with Enrico Petracca). Sources of Trust: Navigating the fragility of certainty. Heidelberg, (22-23 March 2024).
- Causalities and timescales. WIP Showcase. SOLA, University of Wollongong (18 March 2024).
- James Martineau Memorial Lecture. An adventure in ethics: The virtue of the virtual self. University of Tasmania (14 March 2024).
- Keynote: Trust, reliability and transparency in AI-guided psychotherapy. Macquarie Minds & Intelligence Initiative. Macquarie University, Sydney (12 March 2024).
- Agora Lecture: The flying man thought experiment. SOLA. University of Wollongong (7 March 2024)
- Disordered narratives. Expanding Minds Research Series: Re-Authoring and Updating Narrative Therapy. University of Wollongong (6 March 2024)
- Career lecture: Ideas, People, Places. Expanding Mind Research Series. SOLA. University of Wollongong (4 March 2024)
- Watch what you're doing: Bodily self-awareness and body-schematic processes. Neural Mechanisims. Podcast. (23 February 2024)
- The Dowd Lecture. Watch what you're doing: Lessons from deafferentation. Skidmore College. (21 February 2024)
- Minimal self: Recent studies. Rutgers seminar on Subjective Perspectives (Seminar: Susanna Schellenberg). Rutgers University (1 February 2024).
- Discussion with Dan Zahavi and Thiemo Bryer. Book launch: German translation of The Phenomenological Mind. (26 January 2024)
- Keynote: Caught in the fabric of the world: Between embryology and extended mind. International Merleau-Ponty Circle. Melbourne, AU. (December 2023)
- Changing your mind: AI and transparency. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting. San Francisco (16-19 November 2023).
- All the world's a stage: Acting in the embodied affordance space. Embodied Cognition Research Group International Seminar. NRF, Korea University, Seoul (4 November 2023). Zoom
- Missing in action: How gestures inform current debates on the ontogeny of embodied narrative. Embodied Cognition Research Group International Seminar. NRF, Korea University, Seoul (6 October 2023). Zoom.
- A Uniting Issue? A Qualitative Analysis of TikTok Discourse and Coverage by Congress and Journalists. With Leah C. Windsor, Alistair Windsor, Christian Kronsted, Miriam van Mersbergen, Egemen Curuk, Alexsandra Murphy, Nicholas Simon, and Deborah Tollefsen. The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research Conference. (23-25 October 2023). Zoom.
- A pattern theory of agency. Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology Program. Washington University, St. Louis (20 October 2023). Zoom.
- Writing Empathy into the Script: From Jane Austen to J. L. Austin. Empathy and the Aesthetics of Language. University of Texas at Austin, the University of Parma, and Aix-Marseille University (5 October 2023). Zoom.
- Plenary Lecture: Aesthetic agency in observation. 13th Conference of the International Association of Visual Semiotics Bogota, Colombia. (28-30 September 2023). Zoom.
- Agency and self-identity in humans and robots. German Scientific Priority Program (SPP) Summer School: The Active Self. Bavaria, Germany (22 June 2023), Zoom.
- The inside story: Nature at the intersection of phenomenology and pragmatism. Pragmatist Seminars, The Peirce Research Group. Milan University, Milan, Italy (20 June 2023).
- Bounded rationality and enactive problem solving in problematic situations. Two workshops on Pragmatism, Phenomenology, and Enactivism. Roma Tre University, Rome. (14-15 June 2023)
- Improvisation, habit and the embodied mind. University of Molise (14:30 - 12 June 2023). Zoom.
- Improvisation, habit, and the embodied mind. Practical knowledge in philosophy: affectivity, skills and knowing how. Erasmus Blended Intensive Program. Cluj-Napoca, Romania. (5 June 2023) Zoom .
- Missing in action: Gestures and embodied narrative. Workshop on embodiment. Universita degli Studi di Parma (31 May 2023).
- Plenary talk: The minimal self and the Flying Man argument. The Science of Consciousness Conference. Taormina | Sicily (22-28 May 2023)
- Idem and ipse identity in robots. Workshop on Robotics, Neuroscience and Philosophy. The Science of Consciousness Conference, Taormina (22 May 2023).
- Heterarchical integration across time scales in psychiatry. Causality in Psychiatric Research and Practice: The 6th Copenhagen Psychiatry/Philosophy Conference. University of Copenhagen. (15-17 May 2023).
- Action and interaction: Practical implications for patient care. Bodo, Norway (11-13 May 2023).
- Causality in enactive approaches to psychiatry. PhenoLab. Online presentation (9 May 2023)
- Causality in enactive approaches to psychiatry. Embodied Cognition Research Group International Seminar. NRF, Korea University, Seoul (5 May 2023) . Zoom.
- Intentions and representations. Kathy Wilkes Memorial Conference. St. Hilda's College, Oxford. (28-29 April 2023). Zoom
- Keynote lecture. Do we know how the brain really works? Embodied cognition and the critique of neurocentrism. 4th International Conference on Philosophy of Mind: 4E Approach to the Brain/Mind Sciences. Philosophy Faculty in Braga, Portugal. (6-9 March 2023)
- Missing in action: Gestures and embodied narrative. The Interacting Self: From Self-Consciousness to Social Interactions in Human and Artificial Agents. Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT), Lisbon, Portugal (3 March 2023)
- Keynote: Back to the garden: Interaction in the wild. New Work in the Theory of Mind. University of Bucharest, Romania (10-11 February 2023). Zoom
- The causal force of narrative. Guest lecture: Expanding Minds Lecture Series. University of Wollongong (6 January 2023).
- Keynote: Improvisation, habit, and the embodied mind. Australian Research Council (ARC) sponsored conference: Skilled Performance: From theory to practice. University of Wollongong. (12-13 December 2022)
- Improvisation and habit. Body Schemes and Arts (Techniques). Symposium on Face-Body Studies. Tokyo. (12 November 2022).
- Keynote: The intrinsic and extrinsic dynamics of social interaction. International Conference on Embodied Cognitive Science (ECogS). Seaside House of OIST, Okinawa, Japan (7-11 Nov. 2022)
- How the brain really works: Embodied cognition and the critique of neurocentrism and narrow-minded philosophy of mind. Conference on the Embodied Mind. National Research Foundation of Korea. S. Korea (5 November 2022).
- The minimal self, embodiment, and the flying man argument. Institute of Body & Culture, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea (4 November 2022)
- Embodiment and education. PhD course. EMBED. Aarhus University, Copenhagen (10-14 October 2022).
- The practice of thinking. Embodied Cognition Research Group International Seminar. NRF, Korea University, Seoul (26 August 2022)
- Reenacting ethics: Joining Varela's adventure. Conference: The thought of Francisco Varela. Cerisy la Salle. Normandy, France. (13-19 August 2022).
- Pragmatism, enactivism and phenomenology. 4th European Pragmatism Conference. London. (3-5 August 2022)
- The minimal self and the flying man argument. Psychology Departmental Seminar, University of Rome, Sapienza (13-20 June 2022).
- Awe, architecture and embodied experience. Seminar. NAAD Neuroscience applied to architectural design. Venice (8 June 2022)
- Performance and aesthetic experience. Decameron Symposium II. Bregenz, Austria. (30 May 2 June 2022)
- The self-pattern and Buddhist psychology. Conference: The frontiers of contemplative science, Rome (21 May 2022).
- The minimal self and the flying man argument. Webinair: Consciousness, Mindfulness, Compassion - CMC - International Association, Rome (12 May 2022) . Zoom.
- Reimaging the body. The First Conference of the Korean Society of Embodied Cognition, and the Embodied Cognition Research Group International Seminar. NRF, Korea University, Seoul (8 April 2022)
- Shared time. 20th Anniversary Conference. Center for Subjectivity Research (1 March 2022).
- Dances and affor/dances: Skilled performance in the arts. Understanding and explaining skilled performance. University of Wollongong (16 February 2022).
- Action and interaction. Philosophy Seminar. Ruhr U. Bochum. (20 January 2022).
- Keynote: TBA. The Future as a Present Concern. The British Society for Phenomenology Annual Conference. (1-3 September 2021).
- Keynote: TBA. International conference: Cognitive sciences: from computationalism to enactive theories. University of Montreal and collaborative universities (23-27 August 2021)
- Keynote: Interacting alone. Conference on Loneliness in Philosophy and Psychology. Bentely College, Boston (13-15 July 2021).
- Self-patterns in mindfulness meditation. Consciousness, Mindfulness, Compassion - CMC - International Association. (3 June 2021)
- Keynote: Wide and wild: An embodied-enactivist model of applied linguistics. Conference: Speaking Bodies - Embodied Cognition at the Crossroads of Philosophy, Linguistics, Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence. Cluj, Romania. (13-15 May 2021).
- Inside-out: Ecological aspects of personal identity in cases of psychopathology. Seminar on philosophy of psychiatry. L’Institut la Personne en medecine. Paris (5 May 2021).
- Enactive approaches to art. Art in Conversation (ArC). University of St. Andrews. Scotland (23 April 2021).
- Keynote: Narrative reflections in the self-pattern. Precision Convergence-Self Webinar. McGill University. (26 February 2021)
- Music first, narrative later: Understanding empathy. Inaugural lecture. Enactivism and Cognitive Semiotics Centre (ECOS). University of Bologna (15 February 2021) Video.
- Meshing architectures: Action and social interaction in peripersonal and extra-personal space. Seminar via Zoom. NAAD Neuroscience applied to architectural design. Masters program Venice. (13 January 2021)
- Meshed Architecture of Performance as a Model of Situated Cognition. Online discussion. Cognition and Culture Discussion Group. University of Exeter. (9 December 2020)
- Modeling the situation of social interaction. Seminar on Situated Cognition. Ruhr U. Bochum. (1 December 2020).
- When you know something that your brain doesn’t: Predictive processing and perceptual illusions. X-Spect Virtual Conference: Expecting Ourselves: Embodied Prediction and the Construction of Conscious Experience. University of Edinburgh (4-6 November 2020).
- Zero-intelligence and human automaticity at two extremes. First Conference on Zero/Minimal Intelligence Agents. Yale University and Max-Planke Institute for Human Development. (22 October 2020)
- Scaling up or scaling out? A recipe for explaining psychiatric conditions. Workshop on scaling up problem, enactivism and psychopathology. Ruhr U. Bochum. Online conference. (5 October 2020). Zoom video.
- Keynote: A meshed architecture in performance and social cognition. The First International School on Philosophy of Cognitive Science: 4E Approaches. Rescheduled-online. Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (9-10 September 2020).
- Meshed architecture in performance and its application to social cognition. Philosophy Department Colloquium. University of Memphis (4 September 2020).
- A meshy exchange: Thinking and performance in conversation. Online seminar Virtual PPIG: The Perplexities of Thinking. University of Edinburgh and X-SPECT (ERC-funded research project). (12 August 2020).
- Phenomenology and qualitative research. MOOC lecture. Open University, UK and Southern Denmark University. (July 2020)
- Complicating the mesh: Integrating multiple factors in skilled performance. Department of Musicology/RITMO, Norwegian Centre of Excellence, University of Oslo. (9 June 2020). Via Zoom.
- Phenomenology of affordances. Virtual Seminar on 4E cognition. Philosophy. Bilkent University, Ancora, Turkey. (April 2020)
The following canceled because of the Coronavirus travel ban
- Character development and the self-pattern. Paris workshop: Literature in a cognitive environment. 24-25 June 2020.
- Grief and aging. Conference on The Aging Mind II. Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences. Split, Croatia (3-6 July 2020)
- TBA. Lecture. Department of Philosophy. University of Rome-Sapienza, Rome (June 2020)
- The no-self and the self-pattern. Philosophy colloquium. Buddhist College Colloquium, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China (May 2020)
- TBA. Philosophy department Colloquium. Xi’an University, Xi’an, China. (May 2020)
- Workshop on Action and Interaction. East China Normal University. Shanghai (May 2020)
- Why a zero-point in first-person perspective doesn’t add up. Advanced research camp on philosophy of mind. Simian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities. East China Normal University. Shanghai (May 2020)
- A meshed architecture in performance and social cognition. Advanced research camp on philosophy of mind. Simian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities. East China Normal University. Shanghai (May 2020)
- Keynote: Throwing stones from a glass house: Mechanistic causality and enactive constitution. Conference: Speaking Bodies - Embodied Cognition at the Crossroads of Philosophy, Linguistics, Psychology, and Artificial Intelligence. Cluj, Romania. (13-15 May 2020).
- Extensions and incorporations in the meshed architecture of performance. Workshop: Disability and experience. Humanities Center, Cathedral of Learning. University of Pittsburgh (17 April 2020)
- Dances and Affor-Dances: The relation between dance training and conceptual problem solving. (with Cristian Kronsted). Performance Knowledges: Transmission, Composition, Praxis. School of Performing Arts at the University of Malta (11-13 March 2020).
- Can meditation make you sick? Innaugural Agora Lecture. SOLA, University of Wollongong (12 March 2020)
- Collective intentionality: Lessons from hermeneutics and enactive phenomenology. Continental Philosophy Seminar Series. Flinders University. Adelaide, AU (5 March 2020)
- Cleaning up the mesh: Integrating multiple factors in skilled performance. Understanding and explaining skilled performance. University of Wollongong (26-27 February 2020).
- Cleaning up the mesh: Integrating multiple factors in skilled performance. Philosophy colloquium, Univ. Konstanz, Germany (13 February 2020)
- Empathy. Conference: Phenomenology Today. Zeppelin Universität, Germany. (10-12 February 2020)
- Timescales and time consciousness. Workshop: Neurophenomenological Approaches to the Relationship between Objective and Subjective Time. Einstein Center Chronoi. Berlin. (18 December 2019)
- Hermeneutics and social ontology. Seminar. Center for Subjectivity Research. University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen. (16 December 2019).
- The meditating self. Lorentz Center workshop: Mechanisms of meditation and consequences for clinical practice. Leiden, Netherlands. (9-13 December 2019)
- Consciousness while performing. International symposium on consciousness. Hokkaido University (9-10 November 2019).
- Neurophenomenology: From research method to psychotherapy. The Israeli Forum of Neuropsychoanalysis (NPSA). Tel Aviv (3-4 November 2019).
- Intentionality and affordances. The Israeli Forum of Neuropsychoanalysis (NPSA). Tel Aviv (3-4 November 2019).
Why a zero-point in first-person perspective doesn’t add up. Philosophy Colloquium. Vanderbilt University (4 October 2019)
- Situating the 4Es with the 4As (affect, agency, affordance, autonomy). Situated Cognition Summer School. Ruhr University-Bochum (21-27 September 2019)
- Venician Lectures in Philosophy: Performance/Art: Three lectures. Lezioni Veneziane di Filosofia. Ca' Foscari University of Venice (3-5 September 2019)
- The 4As (affect, agency, affordance, autonomy), self and psychopathology. Summer School on Philosophy and Psychopathology. Oxford (18-20 July 2019)
- Keynote: How moving is sometimes thinking. (via Skype). Body of Knowledge conference. Deakin University, Melbourne (AU) (29 June 2019)
- Mental imagery and prospective performance. Codisco Conference on La creatività incarnata: il ruolo della performatività/Embodied Creativity: The role of performativity. University of Bologna. (24-27 June 2019).
- Enactivism and the dynamics of human interactions. Keynote address. Eleventh International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, Chania (Crete). (19-22 June 2019).
- The end of all affordances. Conference on The Aging Mind. Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences. Split, Croatia(13-16 June 2019)
- Performative awareness. Conference on the Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sports. Garden of Heron – Olympic Training Centre Giulio Onesti, Rome (28 May 2019)
- Keynote: Why there is no zero-point in the first-person perspective: A phenomenological notion of the agentive situation. First-Person Science of Consciousness – Theories, Methods, Applications. Witten, Germany (23-25 May 2019)
- Economic reasoning and interaction in socially extended market institutions With Antonio Mastrogiorgio and Enrico Petracca. AISC Midterm Conference, Lucca, Italy (22-24 May 2019).
- Affordances in a therapeutic setting. ERC organizational meeting. Keble College Oxford. (1-2 April 2019)
- Prospecting performance: Rehearsing prior to acting. Conference: Skilled performance and expert knowledge. University of Wollongong. (26 March 2019).
- Over the top: Ideal theory and social perception. E-Approaches to Social Difference and Disparity. University of Wollongong (13-14 March 2019)
- Radical enactive hermeneutics. Hermeneutics, the Humanities, and the Future of Interpretation. Texas A&M. (22-23 February 2019).
- Keynote panel. The phenomenology of performance. Japanese Phenomenological Society. Tokyo. (16-17 November 2018).
- Anchoring know-how: Action, affordance and anticipation. Invited lecture. Setouchi Philosophy Forum. University of Okayama, Japan. (15 November 2018).
- Inside the gaze. Kao-Shintai kakenhi – research group on Construction of Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions. Tokyo (12 November 2018)
- Anchoring know-how: Action, affordance and anticipation. Research Meeting. Melbourne Australia. (9 November 2018).
- Personhood and interpretations of embodied cognition. Boston University Institute for Philosophy and Religion 50th Anniversary Lecture Series. (24 October 2018).
- Anchoring know-how: Action, affordance and anticipation. Buenos Aires (15 October 2018)
- A well-trodden path: From phenomenology to enactivism. International Spring School in Contemporary Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind. Valparaíso, Chile (10-12 October 2018).
- Understanding the brain as part of an enactive system. Beyond Biology and Culture: Cross‐disciplinary Reflections on the Universality and Diversity of the Human Mind. Balzan Prize Foundation Conference. Panel presentation with Vittorio Gallese and Catherine Malabou. Keble College, Oxford (22 September 2018)
- All the world’s a stage: Acting in the affordance space. Creative Environments Social Minds, Association for Social Anthropologists (ASA) Conference. Oxford (18-21 September 2018)
- Keynote: Intrinsic temporality in depression. Time, Body and the Other: Phenomenological and Psychopathologial Approaches. Heidelberg University (13-15 September 2018).
- Three questions on the self. Public interdisciplinary symposium: OpenSelf in Dialogue – What Neuroscience, Philosophy, Psychology and Robotics can tell us about the Self, with Karl Friston, Verena Hafner, and Hazel Rose Markus. Technical University Berlin (7 September 2018)
- Tracking dynamics in the self-pattern: Narrative, psychopathology and predictive processing. Keynote. Conference: Open Self - Investigating the Boundaries of the Self: Bodily, Social and Technological. Technical University Berlin (5-7 September 2018).
- Philosophy, diversification and technology. Public round table discussion. Wenhui Forum. Philosophy: East meets west, East China Norma University. (24 August 2018).
- Anchoring know-how: Action, affordance and anticipation. Workshop: Body Matters: The Many Faces of Embodied Cognition. East China Normal University. Shanghai, China(22-24 August 2018).
- The brain as part of an enactive system. Symposium: Mind, Brain, Consciousness, Emotions. 24th World Congress of Philosophy. Beijing, China (13-20 August 2018).
- The sky is not the limit: The neurophenomenology of awe and wonder during space travel. Invited lecture. Instituto de Estudios de Ciencia y Tecnología. University of Salamanca (14 June 2018).
- Inside the gaze. Workshop: The inhuman gaze and perceiving otherwise. Centre Culturel des Irlandais. Paris. 6-9 June 2018
- The phenomenology of the body in physio- and psychotherapy. Workshop: The Body in Clinical Practices. Ecole Normale Supériure, Paris (5 June 2018).
- Explaining body self-awareness at multiple levels. Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry V: The Problems of Multiple Levels, Explanatory Pluralism, Reduction and Emergence, Copenhagen (28-30 May 2018)
- Keynote: Dynamical relations in the self-pattern. University of Toronto Philosophy Graduate Conference: Philosophy meets Psychology (7-8 May 2018)
- Keynote: Reimagining the body image. International Symposium: Body schema and body image. The University of Tokyo, Japan (24 March 2018)
- Keynote: Stones and glass houses: Mechanistic causality and enactive constitution. Mid-South Philosophy Conference. (23 March 2018).
- Enactivist interventions in debates about ethical expertise. Enactivism: Theory and Performance. University of Memphis (15 March 2018).
- DBS, OCD, the 4Es and the 4As. Mental Health and Agency. CAVE. Maquarrie University, Sydney (28 February-1 March 2018).
- Keynote: Causality and constitution. Naturally Evolving Minds: Controversies, Developments, Interventions. University of Wollongong. (20-23 February 2018)
- Enactivist interventions. MET Seminar. Keble College, Oxford (17 January 2018)
Lectures Pre-2017
- Naturalizing recognition: Fichte, Hegel and enactivist interventions in critical theory. Keynote lecture. Naturalism in German Classical Philosophy: Nature, Recognition and Freedom in the Hegelian Theory of Social Interaction and Cooperation. A European Commission sponsored conference. Georgetown University (14-16 December 2017)
- Decentering the brain. Conference: Neuroscience and embodiment. Lasanne (8-10 November 2017).
- Interactions and affordances in communicative practices. Res Philosophica Lecture. St. Louis University (3 November 2017).
- Science and phenomenology. SPEP Conference. Memphis (19-21 October 2017)
- The therapeutic reconstruction of affordances. Conference on Enactive approaches to Psychiatry. Berlin. (18 October 2017)
- Awe and wonder in space. COGITO Project. The University of Amsterdam (16 October 2017)
- Escaping Plato’s prison. Workshop on Anchoring Innovation. National Research School in Classical Studies: OIKOS. Nunspeet, University of Leiden (13-14 October 2017)
- Interactions and affordances in communicative practices. Conference on Social Cognitive and Affective Processes in Social Interactions. Jena, Germany (12-13 October 2017).
- Enactivist interventions. Four lectures. Workshop on Cognitive Science. Dipartimento di Scienze cognitive, psicologiche. University of Messina (2-5 October 2017)
- Interactions and affordances in communicative practices. Keynote lecture. 10th Annual Conference, CODISCO (Coordinamento Dottorati Italiani Scienze Cognitive), Noto, Sicily, Italy. (27-29 September 2017)
- Naturalism re-natured. Is Naturalism an Ideal in the Philosophy of Mind? Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie. Berlin (24-27 September 2017).
- Lectures on phenomenology and psysiotherapy. Neuro-physiotherapy Program. Tromsø University (19-22 September)
- Self-defense: Deflecting the deflationary tactic. Conference on senses of self. Oxford University. (29-31 May 2017).
- Mindfulness and mindlessness in performance. Summer Institute On Buddhism And Science. The Mangalam Research Center for Buddhist Languages, Berkeley (17-27 July 2017)
- Enactivist interpretations of the new mechanist theory. Séminaire d’Epistémologie des Sciences Cognitives. Institut Rhonalpin des Sciences de la Complexité (IXXI), ENS de Lyon (30 June 2017).
- Relational authenticity and being without others. Marie Curie Workshop. Irish Cultural Center. Paris (23 June 2017).
- How to enhance your body image. Workshop on the (Un)imaginable Body. ENS, Paris (22 June 2017).
- Mindfulness and mindlessness: The phenomenology of performance. Keynote. Interdisciplinary Coalition of North American Phenomenologists. Ramapo State College of New Jersey. (25-28 May 2017).
- Semiotic resources and affordances in social interaction. Invited lecture. Keble College. Oxford University (23 May 2018).
- How institutions think. Workshop at the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society. University of Oxford (15-16 May 2017).
- Embodied social cognition meets semiotics. Pre-inaugural Lecture. Umberto Eco Center for Semiotics. University of Bologna (11 May 2017)
- Awe: From space flight to therapeutic landing sites. The Northeast Summit for a Sustainable Built Environment (NESSBE). Yale University (28-30 April 2017).
- Rethinking behavior. Embodied cognition reading group workshop. Columbia University (27 April 2017)
- Grief, anxiety and authenticity. Conference on Neglected Emotions. University of Louisville (13-14 April 2017)
- Being pluralist about social cognition. Philosophy Colloquium. Holy Cross College (7 April 2017)
- Interaction and the concept of affordances in communicative practices. Featured Speaker Symposium: In sync: The dynamics of social coordination. International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS17), Vienna (23-25 March 2017).
- Intercorporeity in hands and communicative practices. Symposium: Embodying semantics: How hands shape communication from motor actions, to gestures and Sign Languages. ICPS17, Vienna (23-25 March 2017).
- Brains, bodies and cultural affordances in interaction. Plenary address. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Portland, Oregon (18-21 March 2017)
- Empathy: Pain, trials and tribulations. Spring School on Philosophy of Mind. Bochum (6-10 March 2017)
- Embodied practices, narrative and clinical reasoning. School Seminar Series: Narrative in therapy and medicine. University of Wollongong (2 March 2017).
- Empathy: Pain, trials and tribulations. Summer workshop. Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts. University of Wollongong (23 February 2017)
- Free will, self and deep brain stimulation. Mechanized brains, embodied technologies, restored movements: Philosophical and ethical implications of neurotechnological intervention. Freiburg, Germany (20-21 January 2017).
- Imaging and imagining earth from space and space from earth. Wonders and Challenges of Human Space Flight. Sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the UK Space Agency. The Science Museum, London (18-19 January 2017).