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Van der Eycken, W., & R. Van Deth. 1993. "Miraculous Maids, Self Starvation, and
Fasting Girls: Precursors of Anorexia
Nervosa in Early Modern England." History Today, 43: 37-42. Van Inwagen, Peter. 1990 ."Two Problems About Personal Identity" in P. van Inwagen, Material Beings. Ithaca: Cornell University Press
Varela, Francisco J. Bibliography. Varela's homepage list of publications. Also see Bibliography on Phenomenology and Cognitive Science and Neurophenomenology. | ![]() |
Varela,F. 1971. "Self-consciousness: Adaptation or epiphenomenon?" Studium Generale 24: 426-439.
Varela,F. 1975. "A calculus for self-reference," Int.J.Gen.Systems 2: 5-24.
Varela, Francisco J., Thompson, Evan and Rosch, Eleanor. 1991. The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience . Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. ´ German: Der Mittlere Weg der Erkenntnis, Scherz, Munich, 1992; Italian: La via del mezzo de la conoscenza Feltrinelli, Milano, 1993; French: L'Inscription Corporelle de l'Esprit, Seuil, Paris, 1993; Spanish: De Cuerpo Presente: Las ciencias cognitivas y la experiencia humana , Gedisa, Barcelona, 1992; Portuguese: Editorial Psy, Sao Paulo (in press); Japonese: Koishaku, Tokyo (in presss); Korean: Hyunwoo Publishing Co., Seoul (in press); Chinese: Shy Mau Publishing Co., Taiwan (in press)
Varela, F. 1991. "Organism: A meshwork of selfless selves," in: A. Tauber (ed.), Organism and the Origin of Self. Kluwer Assoc, Dordrecht, pp. 79-107; also in: Rev.Europ.Sciences Soc. 29: 173-198, 1991.
Varela, Francisco. 1992. Autopoiesis and a biology of intentionality (.pdf file). In AUTOPOIESIS AND PERCEPTION: A Workshop with ESPRIT BRA 3352. Barry McMullin and Noel Murphy, editors Dublin: Dublin City University, August 25-26, 1992.
Varela, Francisco. 1995. The Emergent Self. In John Brockman (ed). Beyond the Scientific Revolution. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Varela, F. 1997. "The Body's Self," in: D.Goleman (Ed.), Health and Emotions. Boston: Shambhala, pp. 49-67
Varela, F. 1998. "Construction du rÚel et affect: expÚrience du sujet, performances et narrations," in: E.Goldbeter-Merinfeld (Ed.), Constructivisme et constructionisme social. Brussels: De Boeack UniversitÚ. pp. 277-282.
Varela, F. and Soto-Andrade, J. 1984. "Self-reference and fixed points," Acta Applic.Matem. 2: 1-19.
Varela, F. and P.Vermersch. 1999. "Fully embodying the personal level," Behavior and Brain Science (Commentary)
Vaz, N. and F. Varela. 1978. "Self and non-sense: An organism- centered approach to immunology," Medical Hypothesis 4: 231-267. Japanese translation: Gendai-Shiso 12, pp.166-188, 1984.
Velleman, J. David. 1999. "Self-consistency as rational autonomy."
Velleman, J. David. 1996. "Self to Self," Philosophical Review 105: 39-76
Velmans, Max. 1991. "Consciousness From a First-Person Perspective". Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4) 702-719.
Venema, H. I. 2000. Identifying Selfhood: Imagination, Narrative, and Hermeneutics in the Thought of Paul Ricoeur. Albany: SUNY Press.
Vesey, Godfrey. 1977. Personal identity: a philosophical analysis. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, (c)1974.
Vogel, Cornelia Johanna de. 1963. "The Concept of Personality in Greek and Christian Thought." Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy 2 (63): 20-60.
Vogel, J. 1993. "The Problem of Self-Knowledge in Kant's Refutation of Idealism: Two Recent Views." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 53, (4): 875-92.
Vogeley, Kai. 1999. Hallucinations emerge from an imbalance of self-monitoring and reality modelling. The Monist, 82 (4): 626-44.
Vogeley, K., Kurthen, M., Falkai, P. and Maier, W. 1999. Essential functions of the human self model are implemented in the prefrontal cortex. Consciousness and Cognition, 8 (3): 343-63.
Vogeley, K., Kurthen, M., Falkai, P., Maier, W. 1999. The human self construct and prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia. The Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness: Electronic Seminar.
Von Eckardt, Barbara. 1981. "Margolis, Persons, and Nonreductive Materialism." Metaphilosophy 12 (81): 169-180.
Vytautus, Kavolis. 1986.Designs of Selfhood . Fairleigh Dickenson University Press
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