Consciousness and Intersubjectivity:
Integrating Phenomenology and Cognitive Science
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In September 1999 a symposium on the theme Consciousness and Intersubjectivity: Integrating Phenomenology and Cognitive Science was organized by Evan Thompson with support from the Fetzer Foundation. An international and interdisciplinary group of researchers met in Kalamazoo, Michigan to discuss how various methodologies in phenomenology and cognitive science can address the philosophical issue of intersubjectivity.
Initial Statement of Issues
RŽsumŽ and Overview of Symposium
Summary of Symposium Presentations
Keynote Address (Evan Thompson)
The following people participated at the Fetzer Foundation meeting:
Yoko Arisaka (Philosophy, University of San Francisco)
Jonathan Cole (University of Southampton)
Natalie Depraz (CollŽge international de philosophie, Paris)
Shaun Gallagher (Canisius College)
Al Kaszniak (Psychology, University of Arizona)
Jim Laukes (Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona)
Eduard Marbach (UniversitŠt Bern)
Lis Nielsen (Psychology, University of Arizona)
Alva No‘ (Philosophy, University of California, Santa Cruz)
Sue Savage-Rumbaugh (Georgia State University)
Marilyn Schlitz (Noetic Institute)
Brian Cantwell Smith (Indiana University)
Evan Thompson (York University, Toronto)
S. Kay Toombs (Baylor University)
Francisco Varela (LENA - Neurosciences Cognitives et Imagerie CŽrŽbrale,
H™pital de la SalpŹtriere,Paris)
Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen)
Arthur Zajonc (Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
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