Shaun Gallagher ... ONLINE
I no longer update this page. See my Publications page for more online resources. |
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A two-part interview (by Susan Maier-Moul) on the body and yoga. Part I: How yoga works: Posture and human potential and Part II: Bodies, experience and yoga. (December 2010). |
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See a New York Times science article by John Tierney, A World of Eloquence in an Upturned Palm (28 August 2007), which cites some research that I'm doing with David McNeill and colleagues. Download the research paper here. | ||||
![]() | See a Boston Globe "Ideas" article by Drake Bennett, Don't just stand there, think. (13 January 2008), which incorporates a small piece of an interview with me on embodied cognition. | ||||
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Listen to a German Public Radio science program which incorporates parts of an interview with me by Martin Hubert. Science in Focus (Wissenschaft im Brennpunkt), a special program on The Body in the Head [Körper im Kopf] (recorded March 13, 2007 at Bochum Universität. Aired 20 January 2008). Listen: MP3 or go here and click on 'Flash'. | ||||
Interview on embodied cognition. Interviewed by Z. Radman; Croatian Public Television The Universe of the Mind, aired January 2008 (this is an exerpt on language posted on YouTube ( | |||||
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See a Globus (Croation news weekly magazine) insert of brief interview with me on the concept of embodied cognition, Kako funkcioniramo kao misleca bica? (7 March 2008), p. 65. | ||||
Science And Philosophy Meet To Tackle The Mysteries Of The Human Mind. Interviewed and quoted by Medical News Today (, published 13 August 2008. |
Gallagher, S. (in press). The overextended mind. Versus: Quaderni di studi semiotici. (pdf-preprint)
Gallagher, S. 2011. Strong interaction and self-agency. Humana-Mente: Journal of Philosophical Studies 15: 55-76. (pdf)
Froese, T. & Gallagher, S. 2010. Phenomenology and artificial life: Toward a technological supplementation of phenomenological methodology. Husserl Studies 26(2), pp. 83-106 (pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2010. Multiple aspects of agency. New Ideas in Psychology. ( Online publication April 2010. (pdf - preprint).
Gallagher, S. 2008. Philosophical antecedents to situated cognition. In Robbins, P. and Aydede, M. (eds). Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition. (35-51) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (pdf - preprint)
Gallagher, S. 2008. Are minimal representations still representations? International Journal of Philosophical Studies 16 (3): 351-69. (pdf - preprint)
2008. Symposium on Gallagher and Zahavi, The Phenomenological Mind, in Abstracta, Special Issue. Includes Precis, papers by Hutto, Cole, Slors, Tanesini, Brook, Schwabe and Blanke, and Response.
Gallagher, S. and Hutto, D. 2008. Understanding others through primary interaction and narrative practice. In: Zlatev, Racine, Sinha and Itkonen (eds). The Shared Mind: Perspectives on Intersubjectivity (17-38). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (pdf)
McNeill, D. Duncan, S. Cole, J. Gallagher, S. & Bertenthal, B. 2008. Neither or both: Growth points from the very beginning. Interaction Studies 9 (1): 117-132. (pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2007. Moral agency, self-consciousness, and practical wisdom. Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (5-6): 199-223. (pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2007. Neurophilosophy and neurophenomenology. In L. Embree and T. Nenon (eds.), Phenomenology 2005 Vol. 5. (293-316). Bucharest: Zeta Press. (pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2007. Simulation trouble. Social Neuroscience 2 (3-4): 353-65. An earlier version of this paper, entitled "La perception d'autrui en action," was presented as a public lecture in the series Fondements cognitifs de l'interaction avec autrui. College de France (22 February 2006). (pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2007. The natural philosophy of agency. Philosophy Compass 2 (j.1747-9991.2006.00067.x). (pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2007. Introduction: The arts and sciences of the situated body. Janus Head 9.2: 293-95. (pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2007. Phenomenological and experimental research on embodied experience. In Tom Ziemke, Jordan Zlatev, Roslyn Frank and Rene Dirven (eds). Body, Language and Mind. Vol 1 (241- 263). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (html).
Gallagher, S. and Jesper Brøsted Sørensen. 2006. Experimenting with phenomenology. Consciousness and Cognition 15 (1): 119-134. (pdf)
Gallagher and Ramsøy. 2006. Shaun Gallagher interviewed by Thomas Ramsøy: How the body shapes the mind. Science and Consciousness Review (January 2006). (online).
Gallagher, S. 2006. Where's the action? Epiphenomenalism and the problem of free will. In W. Banks, S. Pockett, and S. Gallagher. Does Consciousness Cause Behavior? An Investigation of the Nature of Volition (109-124). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2006. Book Review: Perspectives on Imitation: From Neuroscience to Social Science. Susan Hurley and Nick Chater (Editors). Cambridge: MIT Press, 2005 Metapsychology 10 (27) (Website)
Gallagher, S. 2005. Review of Alva Noë's Action in Perception. Times Literary Supplement. (pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2005. Phenomenological contributions to a theory of social cognition. Husserl Studies 21: 95-110. (Originally presented as The Aron Gurwitsch Memorial Lecture. Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. Boston, November 2003).
McNeill, D., Bertenthal, B., Cole, J. and Gallagher, S. 2005. Gesture-first, but no gestures? Commentary on Michael A. Arbib. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 28: 138-39. (html)
Gallagher, S. and Zahavi, D. 2005. Phenomenological approaches to self-consciousness. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (html).
Gallagher, S. 2005. Protention, schizophrenia, and gesture. Panel on Body, Affect, and Time in Language: A neurophenomenological approach to psychotic and other non-aphasic language disorders. Conference on Interacting Bodies - Corps en interaction. International Society of Gesture Studies (ISGS). Lyon, France (June 15-18 2005). (pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2004. Neurocognitive models of schizophrenia: A phenomenological critique. Psychopathology 37: 8-19 (html pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2004. Understanding interpersonal problems in autism: Interaction theory as an alternative to theory of mind. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11 (3): 199-217. (pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2004. Les conditions corporéité et d'intersubjectivité de la personne morale [Embodied and intersubjective conditions for moral personhood]. Theologiques 12 (1-2): 135-64; includes comment by S. Mansour-Robaey. Le corps, ses représentations et le statut de la personne morale. Theologiques 12 (1-2): 156-59. (pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2004. Hermeneutics and the cognitive sciences. Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (10-11): 162-174. (html pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2004. Body experiments. Interfaces 21-22 (Vol 2): 401-405. (pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2003. Sync-ing in the stream of experience: Time-consciousness in Broad, Husserl, and Dainton. Psyche: An interdisciplinary journal of research on consciousnesss, 9(10), February 2003. (html)
Gallagher, S. 2003. Self-narrative, embodied action, and social context. In A. Wiercinski (ed.), Between Suspicion and Sympathy: Paul Ricoeur's Unstable Equilibrium (Festschrift for Paul Ricoeur) (pp. 409-423). Toronto: The Hermeneutic Press. (html pdf).
Gallagher, S. and M. Sasma. 2003. Phenomenology and neurophenomenology: An Interview with Shaun Gallagher. (Od fenomenologie ke kognitivn’ vždž). Aluze: Revue pro literaturu, filozofii a jinŽ (Czech Republic) 2: 92-102. An interview following my Hebdomades Lectures May 15, 2003 at the Philosophy Department of the Univerzita PalackŽho v Olomouci) - (html)
Gallagher, S. 2003. Bodily self-awareness and object-perception. Theoria et Historia Scientiarum: International Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies 7: 53-68. (The original version was presented as "Non-perceptual self-awareness," Colloquium: Phenomenological and Experimental Approaches to Cognition, CREA, Paris [June 2000]) - (html)
Gallagher, S. 2002. Movement and expression in the development of social cognition. Paper presented at the Piaget Society Conference in Philadelphia (June 2002)- (html)
Jeannerod, M. and S. Gallagher. 2002. From action to interaction: An interview with Marc Jeannerod. Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (1): 3-26 (preprint pdf).
Gallagher, S. 2002. Conversations in postmodern hermeneutics. In Lyotard: Aesthetics and Politics, ed. Hugh Silverman. (pp. 49-60). London: Routledge. Originally presented at the Collegium Phaenomenologicum, Perugia, Italy (August 1992) - (html)
Gallagher, S. and F. Varela. (2003). Redrawing the map and resetting the time: Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 29: 93-132. Published online in The Reach of Reflection: The Future of Phenomenology. Eds. Steven Crowell, Lester Embree and Samuel J. Julian. Electronpress. (pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2001. The practice of mind: Theory, simulation, or primary interaction. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 8 (5-7): 83-108. (html -- pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2001. Review of What Makes Us Think?: A Neuroscientist and a Philosopher Argue about Ethics, Human Nature, and the Brain, by Jean-Pierre Changeux and Paul Ricoeur. Metapsychology (html)
Gallagher, S. 2000. Philosophical conceptions of the self: implications for cognitive science. Trends in Cognitive Science 4, No. 1: 14-21. (html, pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2000 Self-reference and schizophrenia: A cognitive model of immunity to error through misidentification. In Exploring the Self: Philosophical and Psychopathological Perspectives on Self-experience, ed. Dan Zahavi. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (html)
Cole, J., Depraz, N. and Gallagher, S. 2000. Unity and disunity in bodily awareness: Phenomenology and neuroscience. Conference workshop document, Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, Fourth Annual Conference, Brussels (June 2000) - (html)
Gallagher, S. 2000. Representation and deliberate action. Houston Studies in Cognitive Sciences. (html -- pdf)
Gallagher, S. 2000. Ways of knowing the self and the other. Introduction to the special issue on Ipseity and Alterity, Arobase: Journal des lettres et sciences humaines 4 (3): 1-24. Also in Gallagher, S. and Stephen Watson (eds.) 2004. Ipseity and Alterity: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Intersubjectivity. Rouen: Presses Universitaires de Rouen. (html)
Gallagher, S. and Anthony J. Marcel. 1999. The self in contextualized action. Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (4): 4-30. - (pdf)
Cole, Jonathan, Gallagher, Shaun., McNeill, David., Duncan S., Furuyama, N. and McCullough, K-E. 1998. Gestures after total deafferentation of the bodily and spatial senses (preprint). 1998. OralitŽ et gestualitŽ: Communication multi-modale, interaction. Eds. Santi et al, Paris: L. Harmattan: pp. 65-69.
Gazzaniga, Michael and Shaun Gallagher. 1998. A neuronal Platonist: interview with Michael Gazzaniga, with introduction and postscript. Journal of Consciousness Studies 5, Nos. 5/6.
Gallagher, S. 1997. Mutual enlightenment: Recent phenomenology in cognitive science (preprint). Journal of Consciousness Studies 4 (3): 195-214. Abstract
Gallagher, S. and Andrew Meltzoff. 1996. The earliest sense of self and others: Merleau-Ponty and recent developmental studies (preprint). Philosophical Psychology 9, No. 2: 213-236.
Gallagher, S. 1996-2000. The Molyneux Problem. Copyright 2000. An earlier version of this paper was published as "First Perception: A New Solution to the Molyneux Problem," Proceedings of the Creighton Club, 141st Meeting of The New York State Philosophical Association. 1-13. The most recent version is a colloquium paper, "Neurons and Neonates: Answers to the Molyneux Question." Philosophy colloquium. Trinity College, Dublin (November 2000)
Gallagher, S. 1996. Forget Qualia: Postmetaphysical Postmodern Posturing (A Response to Gordon Globus: "Forget qualia, zombies and zimboes") Journal of Consciousness Studies-ON LINE
Gallagher, S. and Cole, J. 1995. Body Image and Body Schema in a Deafferented Subject (preprint). Journal of Mind and Behavior 16 (1995), 369-390; reprinted ," in Body and Flesh: A Philosophical Reader, ed. Donn Welton (Oxford: Blackwell), pp. 131-147.
Gallagher, Shaun. 1993. The place of phronesis in postmodern hermeneutics. Philosophy Today 37 (1993): 298-305; reprinted in The Very Idea of Radical Hermeneutics, ed. Roy Martinez (Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press), pp. 22-32.