![]() | Concepts of Person, Self, Personal Identity, Self-Consciousness, Self-Knowledge, etc. |
The self: Online classics in chronological order
Other philosophy texts online
Classics in the History of Psychology (Christopher D. Green)
Atkinson, Anthony P. 1998. Wholes and their parts in cognitive psychology: systems, subsystems, and persons. Paper presented at the conference "Wholes and their Parts", Maretsch Castle, Bolzano, Italy, 17-19 June, 1998.
Aune, Bruce, A. 1994. Speaking of selves. Philosophical Quarterly, 44: 279-293.
Baars, Bernard J. 1996. Understanding Subjectivity: Global Workspace Theory and the Resurrection of the Observing Self. Journal of Consciousness Studies 3.
Barresi, J. 2001. Extending self-consciousness into the future. In C. Moore & K Lemmon (Eds.), The Self in Time: Developmental Perspectives. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, (pp. 141-161).
Barresi, John. 1999. On Becoming a Person. Philosophical Psychology, 12: 79-98.
Barresi, John. 1999. On earth as it is in heaven: Trinitarian influences on Locke's account of personal identity.
Barresi, John and Martin, Raymond. 2001. Self-concern from Priestley to Hazlitt.
Bermœdez, J. L. 1996. The moral significance of birth. Ethics 106: 378-403 (pdf).
Bermœdez, J. L. 1995. Aspects of the Self: John Campbell's Past, Space and Self Inquiry 38: 489- 501. (pdf)
Bermœdez , J. L. 2000. Personal and Subpersonal: A Difference without a Distinction, Philosophical Explorations 2: 63-82 (pdf).
Bermœdez , J. L. 2001. Nonconceptual self-consciousness and cognitive science. Synthese 129: 129-149. (pdf)
Bermœdez , J. L. 2002. Sources of self-consciousness. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 102: 87-107 (pdf)
Bojadziev, Damjan. 1996. Self-reference in phenomenology and cognitive science. in E. Baumgartner et al (ed.), Handbook of Phenomenology and Cognitive Science, Röll Verlag 1996, pp. 313-8
Brockman, John. 1995. The Emergent Self (Francisco Varela). In The Third Culture: Beyond the Scientific Revolution. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Brook, Andrew. 2004. Kant's View of the Mind and Consciousness of Self. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Edward N. Zalta (ed.).
Brook, A. 2001. The unity of consciousness. The Stanford Electronic Encyclopedia of Philosophy Edward N. Zalta (ed.).
Brown, Jessica. 1995. The Incompatibility of Anti-Individualism and Privileged Access. Analyst 1 Number 13 (12 MAY 1995)
Brown, Mark. 1998. Two Advantages of Punctualist Theories of Personal Identity.
Calkins, Mary Whiton. 1915. The Self in Scientific Psychology. American Journal of Psychology, 26, 495-524.
Clark, Andy & David J. Chalmers. 1998. The extended mind. Analysis 58:10-23; Reprinted in (P. Grim, ed.) The Philosopher's Annual XXI (1998).
Clark, Stephen. 1996. Minds, memes, and multiples Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 3.1 (1996) 21-28
Cunningham, Craig A. 1995. The Metaphysics of Dewey's Conception of The Self. Philosophy of Education
Deikman, Arthur J. 1996. I = Awareness. Journal of Consciousness Studies 3(4): 350-6.
Dennett, Daniel C. 1989. The origins of selves. Cogito, 3, 163-73; Reprinted in Daniel Kolak and R. Martin, eds., Self & Identity: Contemporary Philosophical Issues, Macmillan, 1991.
Dennett, Daniel. 1988. "Why everyone is a novelist," Times Literary Supplement, 4459 (Sept.16-22, 1988): 1016, 1028-29; Note: Dennett himself sometimes cites this as "Why we are all novelists," which is not the published title. This also appears as The Self as the Center of Narrative Gravity, in F. Kessel, P. Cole, and D. Johnson, eds., Self and Consciousness: Multiple Perspectives . Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1992. Danish translation, "Selvet som fortællingens tyngdepunkt," Philosophia, 15, 275-88, 1986.
Gallagher, Shaun. 2007. The Situated Body. Special Issue. Janus Head. 9.2
Gallagher, Shaun. 2003. Bodily self-awareness and object perception. Theoria et Historia Scientiarum: International Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies 7 (1): 53-68.
Gallagher, S. 2000. Philosophical conceptions of the self: implications for cognitive science (preprint). Trends in Cognitive Science 4, No. 1: 14-21. This is followed up by Reply to Cole, Sacks, and Waterman (preprint). Trends in Cognitive Science 4, No. 5 (2000): 167-68, a reply to a comment by Jonathan Cole, Oliver Sacks, and Ian Waterman. 2000. On the immunity principle: a view from a robot (preprint). Trends in Cognitive Science 4, No. 5: 167.
Gallagher, S. 2000. Ways of knowing the self and the other. Introduction to the special issue on Ipseity and Alterity, Arobase: Journal des lettres et sciences humaines 4 (3): 1-24. Reprinted in: Gallagher, S. and Stephen Watson (eds.)2004. Ipseity and Alterity: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Intersubjectivity. Rouen: Presses Universitaires de Rouen.
Gallagher, S. and Anthony J. Marcel. 1999. The self in contextualized action. Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (4): 4-30.
Gallagher, Shaun. 1999. Self-Reference and Schizophrenia: A Cognitive Model of Immunity to Error through Misidentification. In Problems of the Self, ed. Dan Zahavi and Josef Parnas. (pp. 203-239). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Gazzaniga, Michael and Shaun Gallagher. 1998. The neuronal Platonist. Special Issue: Models of the Self Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 ( 5/6): 706-17. Abstract
Georgieff, Nicolas and Marc Jeannerod. 1998. Beyond consciousness of external reality. A "Who" system for consciousness of action and self-consciousness. Institute for Cognitive Science (Lyon) Working paper 98-05. Published in Consciousness and Cognition, 7: 465-77.
Gergen, Kenneth J. Relational theory and the self. (various publications)
Gertler, Brie. 2003. Self-Knowledge . The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Edward N. Zalta (ed.).
Glynn, Simon. 2000. Identity, Intersubjectivity and Communicative Action. Paideia Project.
Graham, George. 1999. Self-consciousness, psychopathology, and realism about self. Anthropology and Philosophy, Vol. 2, n¡ 2.
Grush, Rick. 2001. Self, world and space: The meaning and mechanisms of ego- and allocentric spatial representation. Brain and Mind 1(1):59-92.
Guney, Hulya. 1998. On Sartre and Self-Consciousness. Janus Head, 1 (1).
Henle, Mary. 1962. Some aspects of the phenomenology of the personality. Psychologische BeitrŠge, 6 (3-4): 395-404).
Hughes, James J. (added 1998). Brain Death and Technological Change: Personal Identity, Neural Prostheses and Uploading. Second International Symposium on Brain Death.
Humphrey, Nicholas. 2000. One Self: a Meditation on the Unity of Consciousness. Social Research 67 (4): 32-39.
Humphrey, Nicholas and Daniel C. Dennett. 1989. Speaking for Ourselves. Raritan: A Quarterly Review, IX, 68-98, Summer 1989. Reprinted in Daniel Kolak and R. Martin, eds., Self & Identity: Contemporary Philosophical Issues, Macmillan, 1991.
Hurley, S.L (1997) Non-Conceptual Self-Consciousness and Agency: Perspective and Access. Communication and Cognition, Vol. 30, (Part 1 of Special Issue: Approaching Consciousness) Nr. 3/4: 207-248.
James, William. 1890. The consciousness of self, from The Principles of Psychology.
Jeannerod, Marc. 2000. Consciousness of action and self-consciousness. A cognitive neuroscience approach. ISC WORKING PAPERS 2000-1. To appear in : Agency and self awareness : Issues in philosophy and psychology, J. Roessler and N. Eilan (Eds). Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Jeannerod, M., C. Farrer, N. Franck, P. Fourneret, A. Posada, E. Daprati, N. Georgieff. 2001. ACTION RECOGNITION IN NORMAL AND SCHIZOPHRENIC SUBJECTS. ISC WORKING PAPERS 2001-7. To appear in: The self and schizophrenia, T. Kircher & A. David (Eds). Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Kinsella E A.2005. Constructions of self: ethical overtones in surprising locations. Medical Humanities 31: 67-71.
Lanigan, Richard L. 1995. Embodiment: Signs of Life in the Self. Paper presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the SEMIOTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA. San Antonio,Texas, USA. 20 October 1995.
Levinson, Natasha. 1997. "Unsettling Identities: Conceptualizing Contingency," Philosophy of Education .
Locke, John. 1690. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding -- section on Personal Identity: Book 2, Chapter 27.
Ludlow, Peter. 1995. "Social Externalism, Self-Knowledge, and Memory," Analyst -- 8.1 Preprint #7 (23 FEBRUARY 1995)
Lycan, William G. (2003). Dretske's ways of introspecting. in B. Gertler (ed.), Privileged Access and First Person Authority. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited. pp. 15-29.
Mead, George, Herbert. 1913. The Social Self. Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10: 374-80.
Metzinger, Thomas. 2005. Psyche Seminar on Being No One, Dorothée Legrand (ed.), Psyche 11.5. Includes: Thomas Metzinger - Précis: Being No One
Shaun Gallagher - Metzinger's Matrix: Living the Virtual Life with a Real Body. Metzinger Reply: Different conceptions of embodiment
Kenneth Einar Himma - The Problem of Explaining Phenomenal Selfhood. Metzinger Reply: Personal Identity and Cartesian Intuitions
Allan Hobson - Finally Some One. Metzinger Reply: Can there be a First-Person Science of Consciousness?
Dorothée Legrand - Transparently Oneself. Metzinger Reply: Content from the Inside Out
Pierre Livet - What is Transparency? Metzinger Reply: Meta-abeyance?
Marcello Ghin - What a Self Could Be. Mezinger Reply: Self-Sustainment on the Level of Global Availability
Josh Weisberg - Consciousness Constrained. Metzinger Reply: No direction home—searching for neutral ground
Dan Zahavi - Being Someone. Metzinger Reply: The Value of Historical Scholarship
Metzinger, Thomas. 2000. The subjectivity of subjective experience: A representationalist analysis of the first-person perspective. In T. Metzinger (ed), Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Empirical and Conceptual Questions. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. .pdf version.
Metzinger, Thomas. 1994. Schimpansen, Spiegelbilder, Selbstmodelle und Subjekte. In KrŠmer, S. (ed), Geist - Gehirn - KŸnstliche Intelligenz, Zeitgenšssische Modelle des Denkens. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 41-70.
Metzinger, Thomas. 1993a. Subjekt und Selbstmodell. Die PerspektivitŠt phŠnomenalen Bewu§tseins vor dem Hintergrund einer naturalistischen Theorie mentaler ReprŠsentation. Paderborn: Mentis. [Out of print; second edition June 1999.]. .pdf version of entire text.
Olson, Eric. 2002. Personal Identity. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Edward N. Zalta (ed.)
Perry, John. In Press. "The Self" in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy .
Perry, John . 1990. "Self-notions," Logos, 1990: 17-31.
Rathbone, June. Nd. Survey of literature on the self.
Stawarska, Beata. 2000. The Self, the Other, the Self as An/other: A Reading of Early Sartre. Paideia Conference.
Strawson, Galen. 1997. The Self, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 4 (5-6): 405-28. Reprinted in Models of the Self, ed. S. Gallagher and J. Shear (pp. 1-24) Exeter: Imprint Academic.
Suber, Peter. 1992. "Self-Determination and Selfhood in Recent Legal Cases," the 1992 Emerson Lecture at Earlham College.
Unger, Peter. 2000. " The survival of the sentient." Philosophical Perspectives, 14:
Varela, Francisco. 1995. The Emergent Self. In John Brockman (ed). Beyond the Scientific Revolution. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Varela, Francisco. 1992. Autopoiesis and a biology of intentionality (.pdf file). In AUTOPOIESIS AND PERCEPTION: A Workshop with ESPRIT BRA 3352. Barry McMullin and Noel Murphy, editors Dublin: Dublin City University, August 25-26, 1992
Persons and Personal Identity, papers from the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy
Individuals with online papers in philosophy (David Chalmers)
Directory of Online Philosophy Papers (Joe Lau)
Philosophy Resources (Cannonical Texts and links).
Early Modern Texts. "Translated" by Jonathan Bennett.
Online Papers on Consciousness (David Chalmers)
Cognitive Science Eprint Archive
The Mead Project: Foundational documents in sociological social psychology
Bioethics: Journal Articles On-Line (University of Buffalo Center for Clinical Ethics and Humanities in Health Care